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Updated: August 18, 2024

"But doesn't it ruin their health? I should think it the very worst sort of drunkenness." "Ow, well, yow moi soy that-mak'th 'em cruel thin then, it do; but what can bodies do i' th'ago? Bot it's a bad thing, it is. Harken yow to me. Didst ever know one called Porter, to yowr trade?"

Lwking for yowr answer, committis yow to Chrystis haly protectioun. Frome Fastcastell, the awchtan day of July 1600. On the back ‘Sprott,’ ‘bookit’ . Robert Logan of Restalrig to Laird Bower. Lard Bower,—I pray yow hast yow hast to me abowt the erand I tald yow, and ve sall confer at lenth of all thingis.

Alvayse I beseik yow be at me the morne at evin, for I hew asswred his lo. servand, that I sall send yow over the vatter vithin thre dayis, vith an full resolucion of all my vill, anent all purposes; As I sall indeid recommend yow and yowr trustiness till his lo. as ye sall find an honest recompense for yowr panes in the end.

I wish the African panthers, which you had largely provided for this purpose, had arrived on the day appointed, but though they were delayed by the stormy weather, the obligation to you is equally the same, since it was not yowr fault that they were not exhibited. Farewell. To RESTITUTUS

Oh lover of ladies, bold and free, Why did you lose your life for me?" And again, with plaintive insistence, the last two lines were repeated, ringing out on the deep stillness of the summer night "Oh lover of ladies, told and free, Why did you lose yowr life for me?" The song ceased with a clash of chords.

Alvyse, my lo. qhen yowr lo. hes red my letter, delyver it to the berair agane, that I may se it brunt vith my awin ein; as I hew sent yowr Lo: letter to yowr Lo. agane; for so is the fassone I grant. And I pray yowr lo. rest fully perswaded of me and all that I hew promesed; for I am resolved, howbeit it ver to dy the morne.

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