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Updated: August 8, 2024

"I was glad to git m' freedom 'cause I got out'n frum under dem whuppins. "Afte' dat us bought lan' frum de Wilsons whut was lef' an' I been a fa'min' thar ever since." Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies CLARA C. YOUNG Monroe County, Mississippi Clara G. Young, ex-slave, Monroe County, is approximately 95 years old, about five feet two inches tall, and weighs 105 pounds.

Pappy tol' him to whup him but not to stake him he'd stan' fer it wid'out de stakin' so I 'member he looked jes lak he was jumpin' a rope an' hollering', 'Pray Marser', ever time de strop hit 'im. "I neber got no whuppins frum Marse George 'cause he didn' whup de chulluns none. Li'l darky chullun played 'long wid white chullun.

"Couldn' none of us read or write, an' us wa'nt neber learned 'til afte' us was set free. Den some went to li'l schools fer da cullud people. "I sho' has seen m' mammy an' lots mo' git whuppins. Marse Jim, he had a strop er leather stuck in de slit end of a staff, an' he sho' did whup 'em layed 'cross a barrel.

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