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"What's happening on top of the keep?" demanded Will. Fred laughed aloud. We could not see up from inside, for at least one of the stone floors remained intact. "Can't you guess?" demanded Fred. "Didn't I tell you the man has 'verted to Crusader days?" But Monty explained. "There's an old stone socket up there that used to hold the flag-pole.

There's nothing to prevent any man who has the gift working his way up to the experimental command of the battalion on 'heef. Purvis, my colour-sergeant, commanded the battalion for three months at the back of Coolgardie, an' very well he did it. Bayley 'verted to company officer for the time being an' took Harrison's company, and Harrison came over to me as my colour-sergeant. D'you see?

There is only left old Jadeh's daughter the daughter of a pahari and the servant of Tarka Devi. You are all liars, you English." By the time that the Chaplain's wife had recovered from the shock of the announcement that Lispeth had 'verted to her mother's gods, the girl had gone; and she never came back.

It was to the grey, stone Protestant church that Larry's forbears had gone for one hundred and fifty years or more, even since the then reigning Coppinger had fallen in love with an English heiress, and, agreeing with Henri Quatre, that Paris was well worth a Mass, had 'verted to marry her.

Instead of which he went into the dining-car. That is one type. A man told me the old tale of a crowd of Russian immigrants who at a big fire in a city 'verted to the ancestral type, and blocked the streets yelling, 'Down with the Czar! That is another type.

I remember with lively pleasure my first glance at the classic stream of the "Portingal Captains" and the "Zeeland interlopers." The ten-mile breadth of the noble Gaboon estuary somewhat dwarfed the features of either shore as we rattled past Cape Santa Clara, a venerable name, "'verted" to Joinville.