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However this may be, I think that it is wise to throw all of our cultivated garden sorts, except the Pear, the Cherry, and the Grape which I regard as distinct species together under the name of L. esculentum, even when we know they have originated by direct crosses with the other species; and it is well to classify the upright growing sorts under the varietal names, L. validum, and the larger, heavier sorts, as L. grandifolium, as has been done by Bailey.

"Protector in te sperantium, Deus, sine quo nihil est validum, nihil est sanctum: multiplica super nos misericordiam tuam; ut te rectore, te duce, sic transeamus per bona temporalia, ut non amittamus aeterna. Per Dominum."

At hoc pravum, malignumque est, non admirari hominem admiratione dignissimum, quia videre, complecti, nec laudare tantum, verum etiam amare contingit. I had just entered on my seventeenth year, when the sonnets of Mr. I refer to Dr. Middleton, the truly learned, and every way excellent Bishop of Calcutta: qui laudibus amplis Ingenium celebrare meum, calamumque solebat, Calcar agens animo validum.

Philipp. iv. 13; "Omnia possum in Eo." Confess. x. ch. 29: "Da quod jubes, et jube quod vis." St. Matt. xiv. 30: "Videns vero ventum validum, timuit." Ch. vii. sections 27, 31. Ch. vii. section 16. See ch. xxxi. section 7, and ch. xxxix. section 14. Ch. xii. section 3. See St. John of the Cross, Living Flame, pp. 267, 278-284, Engl. trans. See ch. xv. section 20. Section 18.

Flat or plane blades with decurrent margins constitute another character. This variety, however, does not concern our present discussion. The upright type has stiff and self-sustaining stems and branches, resembling rather a potato-plant than a tomato. Hence the name Lycopersicum solanopsis or L. validum, under which it is usually described.