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Next came the symphonic poem, "Irlande," the "Vision de Sainte Therese," for voice and orchestra, the symphonic ode, "Pro Patria Ludus," inspired by a painting of Puvis de Chavannes, and the great "Ode Triomphale," given at the Exposition in honour of the centenary of 1789.

He wrote them at the same age, but ten years later; for Les Fées appeared in 1833, when Berlioz had already written the Fantastique, the Huit scènes de Faust, Lelio, and Harold; Rienzi was only played in 1842, after Benvenuto , Le Requiem , Roméo , La Symphonie funèbre et triomphale that is to say, when Berlioz had finished all his great works, and after he had achieved his musical revolution.

"It may even grow worse," Wilhelm observed. The women heard his remark, looked up, and made horrified eyes. "Do you think there is danger?" one of them asked. "Danger is always imminent in life," he replied, and added with a smile: "It is merely a question of not being frightened." Incredible to relate, the band began to play as usual, and, what is more, played a piece entitled Marche triomphale.

When Wagner heard the Symphonic funèbre et triomphale he was forced to admit Berlioz's "skill in writing compositions that were popular in the best sense of the word." "In listening to that symphony I had a lively impression that any little street boy in a blue blouse and red bonnet would understand it perfectly.

His pride would not allow him, however, to ask outright for something for which I alone had been responsible, so he wrote: 'Envoyez-moi une partition des trombones pour la marche triomphale et de la Basse- tuba telle qu'elle a ete executee sous ma direction a Dresde. Apart from this, I also showed how greatly I respected him, in the eagerness with which, at his special request, I regrouped all the instruments in the orchestra.