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Then they played "Hunt the slipper," at which Torps, with his long arms, greatly distinguished himself, and "Hide the thimble," at which Double-O Gerrard, blinking through his glasses straight at the quarry without seeing it, was hopelessly disgraced.

"But . . . what do you think I am going to do with the remainder of my days crochet? embroider slippers for the curate? Trevor, you wouldn't like me to come to that in my old age, would you?" She spoke with gentle banter, as if to fend off something she feared. Had Torps known it, she was fencing for the happiness of them both. He shook his head gravely.

I learned things " "What sort of things?" "Oh, cooking and laundry, and hygiene domestic science it's called." Torps nodded. "And then, when I knew enough to teach others, I went to to this place; I've been there ever since. And that's all. Now it's your turn."

The sun was low in the west, and a snake-like flotilla of destroyers crept out across the quiet sea from the harbour hidden by a fold in the hills. Torps watched them with absent eyes, and there was a long silence. The wind had loosened a strand of his companion's hair, and she was busy replacing it with deft fingers.

"By putting all the recordings together and running a rather complex analysis. The analysis will give speed, depth of operation, maneuverability if the spies are lucky to have beams operating at the right time and number of torpedoes fired, with the same information on the torps. That's enough information to make it worth an enemy's while." "I'll say!" Scotty turned to Zircon.

The small boys to a man disdained the helping hand, but scrambled with fine independence into the stern sheets. "Sit still a minute." The Indiarubber Man counted. ". . . Eight twelve! Hallo! Six absentees No, Corney, you can't steer, because I'm going to clap you all below hatches the moment we get outside." He raised his voice, hailing the picket-boat. "All right, Torps?"

The remaining two, red-headed twins who had spent most of the afternoon locked in combat, were in charge of Torps and the Young Doctor. "Where's Cornelius James?" asked the First Lieutenant suddenly. "What a day, what a day!" A search party was promptly instituted, and the Captain's son at last discovered forward in the Petty Officers' mess.