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At four o'clock that afternoon several people were gathered together at Berthier's office; Fraisier, arch-concocter of the whole scheme, Tabareau, appearing on behalf of Schmucke, and Schmucke himself. Gaudissart had come with him.

"Sign this paper appointing M. Tabareau to act for you in all matters relating to the settlement of the affairs of the deceased." "Goot! gif it to me," said Schmucke, anxious only to sign it at once. "No, I must read it over to you first." "Read it ofer." Schmucke paid not the slightest attention to the reading of the power of attorney, but he set his name to it.

Go to him early to-morrow; he knows M. Louchard, the bailiff; M. Tabareau, the clerk of the court; and the justice of the peace, M. Vitel; and M. Trognon, the notary. He is even now looked upon as one of the best men of business in the Quarter. If he takes charge of your interests, if you can secure him as M. Pons' adviser, you will have a second self in him, you see.

"Yes " the victim murmured at length. "Shall I fetch M. Tabareau? for you will have a good deal on your hands before long. M. Tabareau is the most honest man in the quarter, you see." "Yes. Mennesir Dapareau! Somepody vas speaking of him chust now " said Schmucke, completely beaten. "Very well. You can be quiet, sir, and give yourself up to grief, when you have seen your deputy."

"Sign this paper appointing M. Tabareau to act for you in all matters relating to the settlement of the affairs of the deceased." "Goot! gif it to me," said Schmucke, anxious only to sign it at once. "No, I must read it over to you first." "Read it ofer." Schmucke paid not the slightest attention to the reading of the power of attorney, but he set his name to it.

Summons us. Dot shall pe mine egscuse. I shall show him der chudgment." Mme. Cibot went down to the court, and that very day at seven o'clock she called to Schmucke. Schmucke found himself confronted with M. Tabareau the bailiff, who called upon him to pay.

"And you would do well to find some one some man of business to advise you and act for you," pursued Remonencq. "Ein mann of pizness!" echoed Schmucke. "You will find that you will want some one to act for you. If I were you, I should take an experienced man, somebody well known to you in the quarter, a man you can trust.... I always go to Tabareau myself for my bits of affairs he is the bailiff.

So Schmucke did not listen to the preamble in which it was set forth that Maitre Tabareau, bailiff, was acting as his proxy, and that the Presidente, in the interests of her daughter, was taking legal proceedings against him.

Go to him early to-morrow; he knows M. Louchard, the bailiff; M. Tabareau, the clerk of the court; and the justice of the peace, M. Vitel; and M. Trognon, the notary. He is even now looked upon as one of the best men of business in the Quarter. If he takes charge of your interests, if you can secure him as M. Pons' adviser, you will have a second self in him, you see.

Then he slipped away like a shadow and met his friend the doctor. "Ah, Poulain!" he exclaimed, "it is all right. We are safe! I will tell you about it to-night. Look out a post that will suit you, you shall have it! For my own part, I am a justice of the peace. Tabareau will not refuse me now for a son-in-law. And as for you, I will undertake that you shall marry Mlle.