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Updated: August 8, 2024

It has already been stated that the syenite and some other rocks of the Norfolk till seem to have come from Scandinavia, and there is no era when icebergs are so likely to have floated them so far south as when the whole of Sweden and Norway were enveloped in a massive crust of ice; a state of things the existence of which is deduced from the direction of the glacial furrows, and their frequent unconformity to the shape of the minor valleys.

You may have enormous facility in playing with your medium; may be able to make your marble quite fluidic, and flow into innumerable graceful forms; you may be past master of every intricacy, multiplying your skill to the power of n; but you will still in reality have made no progress beyond that unknown carver who shaped his syenite, or his basalt, into the "peace which passeth understanding" "the eternity which baffles and confounds all faculty of computation."

The name Pamozima means, "the departed spirits or gods" a fit name for a place over which, according to the popular belief, the disembodied souls continually hover. The rock lowest down in the series is dark reddish-grey syenite. This seems to have been an upheaving agent, for the mica schists above it are much disturbed.

We did at least eight miles pleasantly well, and slept at Moedaa village. The rocks are still syenite. We passed a valley with the large thorny acacias of which canoes are often made, and a euphorbiaceous tree, with seed-vessels as large as mandarin oranges, with three seeds inside.

The secondary formations on the east of the Havannah are pierced in a singular manner by syenitic and euphotide rocks united in groups. Going from north to south, and first near Marimelena, we find syenite consisting of a great quantity of hornblende, partly decomposed, a little quartz, and a reddish-white feldspar seldom crystallized.

The geological formation throughout is syenite, the decomposition of which has provided a soil so fertile as to need but little manuring. The vegetation, according to Baur, indicates a climate differing but slightly from that of the Black Forest, the average summer temperatures being stated at 82 deg. Fahr. at noon, and 68 deg. Fahr. in the evening.

These blocks are to be seen in greatest number at Pagham and Selsea, 15 miles south of Chichester, in latitude 50 degrees 40 minutes north. They consist of fragments of granite, syenite and greenstone, as well as of Devonian and Silurian rocks, some of them of large size. I measured one of granite at Pagham, 27 feet in circumference.

Sebastian Bay and journeys up the Guarez Celman river, of nights spent in primeval forests and ended in a geological survey, wherein the commercial value of syenite, porphyry, trachite and dialite were severally canvassed. The article was signed "G. G." It is said of T. X. that his greatest virtue was his curiosity.

Scores of beautiful vases of alabaster, breccia, marble, and soapstone, wrought in some cases to the thinness of a modern china cup, suggest at once the protodynastic Egyptian bowls of diorite and syenite, and show that if the Cretan took the idea from Egyptian models, he was not behind his master in the skill with which he carried it out.

The mountain of Belignan, although not exceeding 1,200 feet, is a fine mass of gneiss and syenite, ornamented in the hollows with fine trees, while the general appearance of the country at the base was that of a beautiful English park well timbered and beautified with distant mountains.

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