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The schools adjacent are for girls and infants, and the boys are accommodated at the buildings in the Silchester Road. Hippodrome Place leads past the north side of the school to Portland Road. A great part of the district lying to the east of this, and including Clarendon Road, Portobello Road, and Ladbroke Grove, was formerly covered by an immense racecourse called the Hippodrome.

Only, my poor boys and my dear little Johnnie and Francie I did think I should have had you always. But it will be good for you, too, if I get on well at Silchester."

When we find a tile scratched over with cursive lettering possibly part of a writing lesson which ends with a tag from the Aeneid, we recognize that not even Vergil was out of place here. The Silchester examples are so numerous and remarkable that they admit of no other interpretation.

And this was the feeling that Mark had throughout the Ordination of the Deacons notwithstanding that the Bishop of Silchester in cope and mitre was an awe-inspiring figure in his own Chapel. But when Mark heard him say: Receive the Holy Ghost for the office and work of a Priest in the Church of God,

Hard by, almost within a stone's-throw of the wood-grown earthwork on which I stand, are the ruinous walls of Roman Calleva the Silchester which the antiquarians have been occupied in uncovering these dozen years or longer. The stone walls, too, like the more ancient earthwork, are overgrown with trees and brambles and ivy.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." Notwithstanding these words, the first episcopal act of the Bishop of Silchester drove many poor souls away from God. The effect upon Mark, had his religion been merely a pastime of adolescence, would have been disastrous.

Certainly he does give a Christlike example and undoubtedly that must have a great influence on his people; but he does not believe, and I don't believe, that a Christlike example is of any use without Christ, and he gives them Christ. Even the Bishop of Silchester had to admit the other day that Vespers of the Blessed Sacrament as held at St. Agnes' is a perfectly scriptural service.

Christopher carrying our Lord, and, below, a mermaid and fish. Silchester is about four miles to the south-east by winding ways that lead over the hills of the Hampshire border. The traveller who comes prepared to find the actual ruins of the Roman Calleva spread before him will be grievously disappointed.

But whatever the exact amount of Roman building and Roman street-plan given to Silchester when it was first laid out, the place is not in effect a real town. It is not merely that, as I have said, the houses do not form continuous streets. A glance at the houses will show that they could not possibly be fitted into streets. The types of house here visible are not town houses.

Their rooms were generally arranged in straight rows along a corridor or cloister. In any case they were singularly ill-suited to stand side by side in a town street. Recent excavations show that this plan represents the house in its third and latest stage. DETAILED PLAN OF PART OF SILCHESTER. Showing the arrangement of the private houses and the Forum and Christian Church.