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Updated: August 20, 2024

I will propose programs to make better use of our land, to encourage a balanced national growth growth that will revitalize our rural heartland and enhance the quality of life in America.

By continuing to revitalize our traditional friendships, and by our missions to Peking and to Moscow, we were able to establish the base for a new and more durable pattern of relationships among the nations of the world. Because of America's bold initiatives, 1972 will be long remembered as the year of the greatest progress since the end of World War II toward a lasting peace in the world.

Working together the Congress, the President and the people I am confident that we can translate these proposals into an action program that can reform and revitalize American Government and, even more important, build a better life for all Americans. The White House, February 2, 1973. State of the Union Address Richard Nixon January 30, 1974 Mr. Speaker, Mr.

Its power to purify and revitalize is peculiar and remarkable. It distils only in the night when the world is at rest. It can come only on clear calm nights. Both cloud and wind disturb and prevent its working. It comes quietly and works noiselessly. But the changes effected are radical and immeasurable. Literally it gives to the earth a nightly baptism of new life.

I will propose programs to make better use of our land, to encourage a balanced national growth growth that will revitalize our rural heartland and enhance the quality of life in America.

Working together the Congress, the President and the people I am confident that we can translate these proposals into an action program that can reform and revitalize American Government and, even more important, build a better life for all Americans. The White House, February 2, 1973. State of the Union Address Richard Nixon January 30, 1974 Mr. Speaker, Mr.

In attempting to revitalize the materials and methods of the romances Mrs. Haywood was but following the lead of the French romancières, who had successfully invaded the field of prose fiction when the passing of the précieuse fashion and Boileau's influential ridicule had discredited the romance in the eyes of writers with classical predilections. Mme de La Fayette far outshines her rivals, but a host of obscure women, headed by Hortense Desjardins, better known as Mme de Villedieu, hastened to supply the popular demand for romantic stories. In drawing their subjects from the histories of more modern courts than those of Rome, Greece, or Egypt they endeavored to make their "historical" romances of passion more lifelike than the heroic romances, and while they avoided the extravagances, they also shunned the voluminousness of the romans

These concerted efforts have been an integral part of my program to revitalize the economy. They include my campaign to shrink substantially the cash and time consuming red tape burden imposed on business. They include my personally-directed policy of ambitiously increasing the Federal contracting dollars going to small firms, especially those owned by women and minorities.

Tonight I announce that this year I will designate 10 American Heritage Rivers to help communities alongside them revitalize their waterfronts and clean up pollution in the rivers, proving once again that we can grow the economy as we protect the environment.

Those programs provide a foundation for the economic development of our Nation in the 1980's. The partnership among Federal, State and local governments to revitalize our Nation's communities has been a high priority of my Administration. Both of these programs have provided essential community and economic development assistance to our Nation's cities and counties.

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