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"Schamyl is of middle stature; he has light hair, gray eyes, shaded by bushy and well-arched eyebrows, a nose finely moulded, and a small mouth. His features are distinguished from those of his race by a peculiar fairness of complexion and delicacy of skin: the elegant form of his hands and feet is not less remarkable.

The direction of his flight was questionable at the time. Returning to Pretoria, we remained there for a few days. The whole town was in a state of remarkable tension. The police were armed. Armed volunteers were called for. Loyalists were training after working hours in batches on various open spaces.

He wuz nearly delirious I spoze he wuz nearly overcome by my remarkable eloquence, but don't know.

A distinction not less remarkable is to be found in the humane and compassionate spirit which animates even the earliest parts of the sacred volume; composed at a time when the manners of all nations were still unrefined, and the softer emotions were not held in honour. "Blessed is he who considereth the poor and needy; the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble.

The variety of hue in the houses, white, green, pink, and orange, was very remarkable.

They did not know what to suspect, until a Cholulan woman, who had formed an acquaintance with Marina, told her of the purpose of the Mexicans, and advised her to flee from the Spanish camp if she valued her life. The faithful Marina immediately disclosed the whole plan to Cortes. He acted with remarkable celerity and decision.

"The most remarkable thing happening in the Bering Sea is the seal industry, but I do not think we pass near enough to the islands to see any of that. You'd better run about and see the ship now," and the boys needed no second permission. It was not many days before they knew everybody on board, from captain to deck hands, and were prime favourites with them all.

Again there was no sign of living being about her; but she moved at once, and bounded past us at a speed the like of which I had never seen upon the deep. So remarkable a face-about seemed to dumbfound our men. They stood staring at each other like those amazed, and seeking explanation.

So remarkable was the feature, that when you looked at the man, you saw his eye and looked at nothing else.

In those days the tubular bridge had not yet been thought of; but the beautiful suspension bridge at Menai was already in existence, and was the most remarkable bridge then existing in the world. I was more struck by the beauty of the structure than by its costliness or size; the journal says, "It is indeed wonderfully beautiful."