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Updated: August 20, 2024

When these lines form rectangles, it is called oblong quadrillé. Some of the stamps of Mexico were printed on paper ruled with blue lines. This was merely ordinary foolscap paper. Many of the early stamps of Russia were on a paper having the surface coated with a soluble enamel.

Each government has its seal of different designs from all the others. Circles, ellipses and rectangles, with various modifications, compose the eighteen forms in use. The most powerful of the eighteen governments has for its seal the following design, which I have filled out as completely as I could, using our own figures instead of their numerals which would, of course, be unintelligible to us.

Op. cit., I, pp. 57 ff. The spaces are not strictly rectangles, as each is divided vertically from the next by the Egyptian hieroglyph for "year". The text, which is engraved on both sides of a great block of black basalt, takes its name from the fact that the fragment hitherto known has been preserved since 1877 at the Museum of Palermo.

Vague shadowy forms went flitting about over the walls and low dome, like loose rain-clouds over a grey-blue sky. The princess stood waiting me, in a robe embroidered with argentine rings and discs, rectangles and lozenges, close together a silver mail. It fell unbroken from her neck and hid her feet, but its long open sleeves left her arms bare.

His house, across the road, showed regular cheerful rectangles of orange illumination: he always returned to it with a feeling of relief and pleasant anticipation, but he was very far from sharing Fanny's passionate attachment to their home.

A combination of rectangular and triangular geometric designs, in which, however, the former predominate, is shown in figure 304, which can readily be reduced to certain of those forms already mentioned. The triangles appear to be subordinated to the rectangles, and even they are fringed on their longer sides with terraced forms.

Very suddenly a line of fiery rectangles shot up and curved towards us when they had reached three-quarters of their maximum height. They rose and fell within thirty yards of our tail. These were "onions," the flaming rockets which the Boche keeps for any hostile aircraft that can be lured to a height between 4000 and 6000 feet. I yelled to V., my pilot, that we should have to dodge.

For those who like circles and rectangles of unrelieved brown, James is undoubtedly the man. As I stood in the sun I had a brilliant idea. "James," I said, "we'll cut the croquet lawn this afternoon." "You can't play croquet to-day, it's not warm enough." "I don't pay you to argue, but to obey. At the same time I should like to point out that I never said I was going to play croquet.

The earlier painters covered their vaulting with ornamental patterns in which spaces were reserved for independent pictures, like the rectangles of the Stanza della Segnatura. It was a bold innovation when Michelangelo discarded this system and placed in the pendentives of the Sistine his colossal figures of the Prophets and the Sibyls, each on its architectural throne.

When the two great rectangles that were the emergency ward windows had turned from mirrors reflecting the room to gray rectangles in the morning light; Johnny Rosenfeld opened his eyes and spoke the first words that marked his return from the dark valley. "Gee, this is the life!" he said, and smiled into K.'s watchful face.

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