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And every student of technical jurisprudence must have come across the same view, clothed in the language of a rather different school, which, in its rationale of this department of law, treats succession ex testamento as the mode of devolution which the property of deceased persons ought primarily to follow, and then proceeds to account for succession ab intestato as the incidental provision of the lawgiver for the discharge of a function which was only left unperformed through the neglect or misfortune of the deceased proprietor.

Thus the most extraordinary traditions of hell and purgatory were quite naturally conceivable. He gave the fundamental rationale of virtue with admirable clearness.

The higher the earnings the likelier and the higher the dividends. Thus, in a subtle cognitive dissonance, retained earnings often plundered by rapacious managers came to be regarded as some kind of deferred dividends. The rationale is that retained earnings, once re-invested, generate additional earnings. Such a virtuous cycle increases the likelihood and size of future dividends.

She put on her hood and went off with him; and was treated to a long and most implicated detail of ways and means, from which she at length disentangled the rationale of the matter, and gave Mr. Douglass the consent he asked for, promising to gain that of her uncle.

Such, then, is the rationale of what may be termed the automatic writing, by means of Planchette, and such writing is simply a manifestation of what has been named psychic force. Whether operated by one or two persons, the rationale is the same.

In reality it may be traceable simply to the fact, that the circular shape has constantly been recognized as the most convenient and the safest form of a space destined for enclosure and custody. That was the rationale of the round thesauroi of the Greeks as well as of the round structure of the Roman store-chamber or temple of the Penates.

Some vital agency was necessary to centralize relief at home in the same way that the Commission for Relief in Belgium, the famous "C. R. B." crystallized it abroad. The Comite Rationale was formed by Belgians to feed and clothe the native population and it became the disbursing agent for the "C. R. B." Francqui was chosen head of this body and directed it until the armistice.

Yet the recognition in Eros of an "Algol asteroid" seems on other grounds inadmissible; nor until the phenomenon is conspicuously renewed as it probably will be at the opposition of 1903 can there be much hope of finding its appropriate rationale. The crowd of orbits disclosed by asteroidal detections invites attentive study.

In his "Rationale of Verse," Poe explained all these things, and showed how the learned of past ages had made mistakes. In a subsequent chapter we shall see just what the relation between music and poetry is, and what Poe taught about the art of making poetry.

At the same time Durand of Mende, in his Rationale, asserts that a building of rounded form symbolizes the extension of the Church over the whole circle of the universe. Others explain the dome as being the crown of the Crucified King, and the smaller cupolas which occasionally support it as the huge heads of the Nails.