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Neither the People of the Field nor of the Wood, of course, ever went within city gates. "But I would think that you would like to see the fine sights of Pseudopolis," says Chloris, "and that fine Queen of theirs," she added, almost as though she spoke without premeditation. "Woman dear," says Jurgen, "I do not wish to appear boastful.

They came from the coast, a terrible army insanely clad in such garments as had been commanded by Ageus, a god of theirs; and chaunting psalms in honor of their god Vel-Tyno, who had inspired this crusade: thus they swept down upon Pseudopolis, and encamped before the city.

Let us set ourselves a standard so high that it will be a glory to live up to it, and then let us live up to it, and add a new laurel to the crown of Pseudopolis. May the Gods of Old keep you and guide you!" Then said Thersites, in his beard: "Certainly Pelides has learned from history with what weapon a strong man discomfits the Philistines."

"So this Queen Helen is already provided with a husband!" Jurgen was displeased, but saw no reason for despair. Then Jurgen inquired as to the Queen's husband, and learned that Achilles, the son of Peleus, was now wedded to Helen, the Swan's daughter, and that these two ruled in Pseudopolis.

But in Eubonia, now! well, really some day we must return to my kingdom, and you shall inspect for yourself a dozen or two of my cities Ziph and Eglington and Poissieux and Gazden and Baeremburg, at all events. And then you will concede with me that this little village of Pseudopolis, while well enough in its way !" And Jurgen shrugged. "But as for saying more!"

Thus was Pseudopolis left empty, so that the Philistines entered thereinto without any opposition. They defiled this city of blasphemous colors, then burned it as a sacrifice to their god Vel-Tyno, because the color of ashes is gray. So it was reported: but Jurgen witnessed none of these events. "Let them fight it out," said Jurgen: "it is not my affair.

Of course, there are Lares and Penates, with no social position, that the kings of Pseudopolis sometimes take a-voyaging " "Still, the people of other countries do get married."

And that night while Pseudopolis slept King Jurgen came down into this city of gold and ivory. Jurgen went with distaste among the broad-browed and great-limbed monarchs of Pseudopolis, for they reminded him of things that he had long ago put aside, and they made him feel unpleasantly ignoble and insignificant. That was his real reason for avoiding the city.

And Perion told how he had come through Pseudopolis, on his way to King Theodoret at Lacre Kai, and how in the market-place at Pseudopolis he had seen Queen Helen. "She is a very lovely lady," said Perion, "and I marvelled over her resemblance to Count Emmerick's fair sister, whom we all remember."

But he would not have been thus readily flustered had Jurgen not been thinking all the while of Queen Helen and of the beauty that was hers. So he inquired forthwith the way that one might quickliest come into the presence of Queen Helen. "Why, you will find Queen Helen," he was told, "in her palace at Pseudopolis."