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This part of the work the Sarpent and I will see to, for we are as practysed in retreats as in advances." "All that is very well, my good friend. And now for my poor brother-in-law: though he is a soldier, we cannot let him slip without a word of consolation and a leave-taking, in my judgment.

"Well, cooey, then," said Mark. "Go on." "No, sir; you'd better do it," said Billy modestly. "I aren't practysed it much." "Never mind; go on." "I'd a deal rather you would, Mr Mark, sir." "But I can't. I never did such a thing in my life." "Well, if it comes to that, sir, more didn't I." "And you said you hadn't practised much." "Well, sir, I haven't," said Billy coolly.

"I can and have conversed with Chingachgook, and with his son Uncas too, in that mode, afore the latter fell; but I didn't know that young girls practysed this art, and, least of all, Mabel Dunham." "'Tis nothing, Pathfinder.

"Lord, lord, man! Do you dread any creatur' that is to be found in the American forest? A catamount is a skeary animal, I will allow, but then it is nothing in the hands of a practysed hunter. Talk of the Mingos and their devilries if you will; but do not raise a false alarm about bears and wolves."

I came down the channel in face of the pretended fisherman; and, though the riptyles have set up the poor wretch with art, it was not ingenious enough to take in a practysed eye. The rod was held too high, for the 55th have learned to fish at Oswego, if they never knew how before; and then the man was too quiet for one who got neither prey nor bite.

'The Kynge, it seems, 'was pleased by the bels and sweet dauncing. Certain of his courtiers 'did presentlie daunce so in open playces. No one with any knowledge of the English nature will be surprised to hear that the cits soon copied the courtiers. But 'the Morrice was not for longe practysed in the cittie.

I told him that the kearless fellows, who thought to catch a practysed hunter in the woods after dark, had thrown the lighted pine-knots in the brush, and that ‘twould kindle like tow, and warned him to leave the hill. But he was set upon his business, and nothing short of Providence could move him. if he isn’t burnt and buried in a grave of his own digging, he’s made of salamanders.