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Nepotism had characterized many previous pontificates; open paternity was to characterize his, for he was the first Pope who, in flagrant violation of canon law, acknowledged his children for his own. He proceeded to provide for some seven bastards, and that provision appears to have been the only aim and scope of his pontificate.

Louis, a Frederick II. Then when in the pontificates of Innocent III. and his successors the Roman church reached its apogee, the religious yearnings of men sought expression in the sublimest architecture the world has seen.

They had noticed everything that doesn't matter about the high and holy ones how they looked, spoke, dressed, behaved. It was awfully clever, some of it; one of the women imitated Legard the essayist down to the ground the way he pontificates, you know but nothing else.

The Scriptures announce these two sovereign pontificates and so do my horoscopes, for that matter. "It is an axiom of theology that the spirit of Peter lives in his successors. It will live in them, more or less hidden, until the longed-for expansion of the Holy Ghost.

'Probably at no period since the days of Constantine, says the accomplished and trustworthy Lecky, 'was Catholicism so free from domineering and aggressive tendencies as during the Pontificates of Benedict XIV and his three successors. This covers a period extending from 1740 to 1775; and we know that cycles of ecclesiastical polity never close abruptly.

The omission may, in part at least, be repaired by giving a list of the cardinals who died during the eleven years of the pontificate of Alexander VI. Those deaths, in eleven years, number twenty-one representing, incidentally, a percentage that compares favourably with any other eleven years of any other pontificate or pontificates.

It is hard to estimate the political possibilities of remote periods, but we cannot help asking ourselves the question if Rome could have survived two or three pontificates of this kind.

Paul II. carried on the building; but during the pontificates of Sixtus, Innocent, and Alexander it seems to have been neglected. Meanwhile nothing had been done to injure the original basilica; and when Julius announced his intention of levelling it to the ground, his cardinals and bishops entreated him to refrain from an act so sacrilegious.

Indulgences were not to be issued for money, and no charge should be made for conferring the sacraments. The seed sown by the council bore abundant fruit during several succeeding pontificates. The central government was completely reorganized. A definite catechism was prepared at Rome and every layman instructed in the tenets and obligations of his religion.

After having placed at his feet our presents and our respectful homage, we come to offer, in this sanctuary, our thanksgiving and our prayersour thanksgiving, for Pius IX. has been preserved to us beyond the term of all preceding Pontificatesour prayers for his remaining in this life is, at present, our only pledge of safety.”