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The platysma myoides, which is well developed on the neck, belongs to this system. Prof. Turner, of Edinburgh, has occasionally detected, as he informs me, muscular fasciculi in five different situations, namely in the axillae, near the scapulae, etc., all of which must be referred to the system of the panniculus. Prof.

The Fauna is adapted to the climate and the soil; Nebria, Patrobus and other Carabides, find a cool abode among the stones on the banks of the ice-cold brooks which fall from the snowy summits of the mountains; in the fir-woods, live several kinds of Xylophagi and some Cerambycides; the old mossy trunks of fallen trees afford hiding-places for several kinds of Carabides, as two Cychrus, Leistus, Platysma; and for Nitidula, Scaphidium, Agyrtes, and Boros.

The Carabides are: Cychrus angusticollis and marginatus, Nebria metallica and three new species, Leistus, Poecilus two, Patrobus, Omaseus adstrictus, Platysma two, Loricera plainly distinguished from the pilicornis, Amara, Trechus three, Bembidium two, and Leja three species.

The worst of it is, the trick is catching; when one meets one of these fellows, he feels a tendency to the same manifestation. The Professor tells me there is a muscular slip, a dependence of the platysma myoides, which is called the risorius Santorini. Say that once more, exclaimed the young fellow mentioned above.

The worst of it is, the trick is catching; when one meets one of these fellows, he feels a tendency to the same manifestation. The Professor tells me there is a muscular slip, a dependence of the platysma myoides, which is called the risorius Santorini. Say that once more, exclaimed the young fellow mentioned above.

Plants, cultivated, more fertile than wild; Nageli, on natural selection in; male flowers of, mature before the female; phenomena of fertilisation in. Platalea, change of plumage in. Platyblemus. Platycercus, young of. Platyphyllum concavum. Platyrrhine monkeys. Platysma myoides. Plecostomus, head-tentacles of the males of a species of. Plecostomus barbatus, peculiar beard of the male.

When eight years old he joined a company of acrobats and strolling performers, and was called by the euphonious title of "the Yankee dish-rag." His muscular system was well-developed, and, like Sandow, he could make muscles act in concert or separately. He could throw into energetic single action the biceps, the supinator longus, the radial extensors, the platysma myoides, and many other muscles.