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On November 15 a pigeon brought a despatch saying that the South of France had raised an army for the relief of Paris, and that it was in motion under an old general with the romantic name of Aurelles des Paladines, that it had driven the Prussians out of Orleans, and was coming on with all speed to the capital. The Parisians were eager to make a sortie and to join this relieving army.

On November 9, D'Aurelle de Paladines defeated Von der Tann at Coulmiers, west of Orleans. The young French troops behaved extremely well, but the victory not being followed up with sufficient vigour by D'Aurelle, remained somewhat incomplete, though it constrained the Germans to evacuate Orleans.

If it were true, however, Prince Frederick Charles's forces, released from the siege of Metz, would evidently be able to march against D'Aurelle de Paladines' army of the Loire just when it was hoped that the latter would overthrow the Bavarians under Von der Tann and hasten to the relief of Paris.

Among the portraits she has exhibited at the Paris Salon are those of Marshal Canrobert, General d'Aurelle de Paladines, General de Palikao, Count de Chambrun, M. Dufaure, and many others, both ladies and gentlemen. Her portrait of Thiers in 1872 was greatly admired. Paul d'Abrest wrote of Mlle.

First Efforts of the National Defence Delegates La Motte-Rouge and his Dyed Hair The German Advance South of Paris Moltke and King William Bourges, the German Objective Characteristics of Beauce, Perche, and Sologne French Evacuation of Orleans Gambetta arrives at Tours His Coadjutor, Charles Louis de Saulces de Freycinet Total Forces of the National Defence on Gambetta's Arrival D'Aurelle de Paladines supersedes La Motte-Rouge The Affair of Chateaudun Cambriels Garibaldi Jessie White Mario Edward Vizetelly Catholic Hatred of Garibaldi The Germans at Dijon The projected Relief of Paris Trochu's Errors and Ducrot's Schemes The French Victory of Coulmiers Change of Plan in Paris My Newspaper Work My Brother Adrian Vizetelly The General Position.

When at last I got up to stretch myself, I noticed, affixed to the wall against which I had been leaning, a proclamation of Gambetta's respecting D'Aurelle de Paladines' victory over Von der Tann at Orleans.

He did so by removing La Motte-Rouge from his command, which he gave to D'Aurelle de Paladines. The latter, a general on the reserve list, with a distinguished record, was in his sixty-sixth year, having been born at Languedoc in 1804. He had abilities as an organiser, and was known to be a disciplinarian, but he was growing old, and looked confidence both in himself and in his men.

He was made Minister of War in addition to being Minister of the Interior. From Nov. 1, 1870, to Jan. 30, 1871, his efforts were almost superhuman; and but for Bazaine's surrender at Metz, they might have been successful. Gambetta raised two armies, one under General Aurelles des Paladines and General Chanzy; the other under Bourbaki and Garibaldi.

In matter he set himself squarely against the mediæval tendency: Let others sing of kings and paladines In aged accents and untimely words, Paint shadows in imaginary lines. This fling at Spenser and his followers marks the beginning of the modern and realistic school, which sees in life as it is enough poetic material, without the invention of allegories and impossible heroines.

The critics of the camp have said that the spot was very damp and muddy, and therefore necessarily unhealthy, and there is truth in that assertion; but the same might be remarked of all the camps of the period, notably that of D'Aurelle de Paladines in front of Orleans. Among them were 264 cases of small-pox.