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Updated: August 12, 2024

The baggage man set out to tell me a funny story, and that's a new experience for me in this country." "Nothing else?" "Why, no, sir, not that I can recall." "Well, now, what hour did you leave Victoria?" The American smiled. "I came here to interview you, Professor, but it seems to be a case of 'Is this nigger fishing, or is this fish niggering? You're doing most of the work."

'I don't want her to trouble herself; I only want house-room. 'And a change after a month's white niggering. 'That's another reason. My aunt has grown so dependent on me, that this new lady will not have a fair chance if I am at home; and if I don't break the habit, I shall never call my time my own again.

Mahadeva Buddha The Simurgh The Pintni or Mermaid The Nag or Blind-Worm Nagari and Niggering The Nile Nats and Nautches, Naubat and Nobbet A Puncher Pitch, Piller and Pivlibeebee Quod Kishmet or Destiny The Koran in England "Sass" Sherengro Sarserin Shali or Rice The Shaster in England The Evil Eye Sikhs Stan, Hindostan, Iranistan The true origin of Slang Tat, the Essence of Being Bahar and Bar The Origin of the Words Rom and Romni.

"I got up an' went to de main entrance, jes' to make de night clerk think I wuz on de job in case he woke up. I looked down de street tow'rd de post-office, an' I seed a man goin' in dar. "'Bless de Lawd! I says to myse'f. 'White people ain' got much to do goin' to de post-office dis time uv night. An' I went on back to de bellboys' bench and stahted in niggerin' it once mo'e." "Niggering it?"

"If he could see as well as he can hear, he would not allow man or horse to go on the road." The Hindi alphabet Deva Nagari, "the writing of the gods," is commonly called Nagari. A common English Gipsy word for writing is "niggering." "He niggered sar he could pooker adree a chinamangree."

Thus, after felling the trees, instead of chopping them into lengths, for the purpose of facilitating the operation of piling them preparatory to burning, which would have cost him too much labour, he resorted to the practice of "niggering," as it is called; which is simply laying light pieces of round timber across the trunks of the trees, and setting fire to them at the point of contact, by which means the trees are slowly burned through.

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