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Turning the head to one side prevents the face coming into contact with mud or water during the operation. This position also facilitates the removal from the mouth of foreign bodies, such as tobacco, chewing gum, false teeth, etc., and favors the expulsion of mucus, blood, vomitus, serum, or any liquid that may be in the air passages.

By drinking a glass of water as hot as it can be sipped one hour before each meal, the mucus is washed out of the stomach, the stomach is empty on coming to the table, and in the best possible condition for the gastric juice to act on the food-stuffs. Constipation.

When the mouths of the lymphatics, which open on the mucous membrane of the nostrils, become torpid, as on walking into the air in a frosty morning; the mucus, which continues to be secreted, has not its aqueous and saline part reabsorbed, which running over the upper lip inflames it, and has a salt taste, if it falls on the tongue.

Upon the cessation of the action, as related, the os suddenly closed, the cervix again hardened itself, and the intense congestion was dissipated." Paul Mundé has described "the gushing, almost in jets," of this mucus which he has observed in an erotic woman under a rather long digital and specular examination.

Howard's. This consists in emptying the thorax by forcibly compressing the lower part of the chest; on relaxing the pressure the chest again fills with air. Here the patient is placed in the supine position. The objections to the supine position are that the tongue falls back, and not only blocks the entrance of air, but prevents the escape of water, mucus, and froth from the air-passages.

This is a bland, more or less odorless mucus which, under ordinary circumstances, slowly and imperceptibly suffuses the parts.

I have even had clients tell me that they have a bowel movement once a week, and they are quite certain that they are not constipated. The most surprising thing to novice fasters is that repeated enemas or colonics during fasting begins to release many pounds of undeniably real, old, caked fecal matter and/or huge mucus strings. The first-time faster can hardly believe these were present.

"Never saw a whale in such a flurry," said old David, into whose boat I was taken. For upwards of two minutes the flurry continued, we all the while looking on, and no one daring to approach it; at the same time a spout of blood and mucus and oil ascended into the air from its blow-holes, and sprinkled us all over.

It is the membrane which in this special sense covers or lines the respiratory tract from the very outlet of the nose to the terminal bronchi; in fact, to the very air-cells of the lungs themselves. Its function is that of supplying the involved passages with moisture, and it secretes a glairy or watery substance called mucus. Now, mark this well.

The secretion is composed of a clear alkaline mucus. The purpose served in the natural economy by this alkaline mucus is a very important one and it is essential that every young man should understand it. It will be remembered that the male urethra affords passage not only for the urine, but also for the generative products.