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It's not only the delights of Mespot that have knocked him off his centre. It's losing that jewel of a mother." His eyes darkened with feeling. "You can't wonder. If anything was to happen " He broke off abruptly. Paul Desmond set his teeth and was silent. In the deep of his heart, the Regiment had one rival and Lady Desmond knew it.... They found the bungalow empty. No sign of Roy.

It gave him a curious thrill to open his camphor-drenched uniform case left behind with Lance and unearth the familiar khaki of Kohat and Mespot days; to ride out with his men in the cool of early morning to the gardens at the far end of Lahore. The familiar words of commands, the rhythmic clatter of hoofs, were music in his ears. A thousand pities he was not free to join the Indian Army.

"It's away and away beyond the British border; too far south for the Damascus government to reach; too far north for the king of Mecca; too far east for us; much too far west for the Mespot outfit. East of the sun and west of the moon you might say. There's a sheikh there by the name of Ali Higg. I'm off to tackle him. Care to come?" "When do we start?" "Now, from here. Tonight from Hebron.

"I've never set eyes on her, but they say she's a rare good-looker and has more brains in her little finger than most men keep under their hats. I'm told she has designs on the throne of Mesopotamia." "Mespot? I thought the League of Nations was going to let the Arabs choose their own king." "Sure.

Keep the mine secret. Let him go to London and arrange about Mespot. Just at present High Finance could find a hundred ways of disputing his title to the mine, but once he's king with the Arabs all rooting for him things'll be different. He'll treat you right when that time comes, don't worry." "Worry? Me?" said Jeremy.