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An now, whar d'ye think he druv?" The boys couldn't think. "Guess, now." The boys couldn't guess. "D'ye guv it up?" They did. "Wal, the paper said, he druv ashore at Grand Manan; but I've my doubts about it." The captain paused, looked all around through the fog, and stood for a moment as though listening to some sound.

This I did all that season, obtaining about 2,000 embryos, mostly of sea birds, for he sent me to Grand Manan Island, etc., for that purpose. Before the end of the first year he gave me entire charge of the birds and mammals in the Museum, as well as the coral collection, which was large even then.

But the white settlers' cattle must be protected, and orders were orders a soldier must obey his superior officer. So, at daybreak, the fastest horse in the service was saddled, and Corporal Manan was hard on the trail of the young Cree thief. But Little Wolf-Willow knew nothing of all this. Far away up the northern plains a terrible bit of news had come to him.

They went eastward leisurely, making many stops, and had fine weather until they sighted Grand Manan. Then a storm drove them to shelter one afternoon and they lay in a tiny harbour for two days while the wind lashed the ports and the rain drove down furiously. Nothing of great interest happened, although the time went fast and pleasantly.

But Dermot O'Dynor called also Dermot of the Bright-face undertook to climb it, for of all the Fermi he was the most learned in Druidical enchantments, having been early taught the secret of fairy lore by Mananan Mac Lir, who ruled over the Inis Manan or Land of Promise.

Wolf-Willow is safest here. You leave at daylight, and bring him in, if you have to handcuff him to do it." Corporal Manan spent a miserable night. Never had a task been so odious to him. He loved the bright, handsome Cree boy, and his heart was sore that he had gone wrong, after giving such promise of a fine, useful manhood.

The best fishing season is from April to October, when the fish come to this hank to feed. In general, this is a small-vessel ground fished by craft from Cutler, Eastport, Grand Manan, and, to a less extent, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, with an occasional visit by craft from Portland and Rockland, chiefly trawlers of moderate size.

From far off old Beaver-Tail had seen the approaching bit of hated scarlet the tunic worn by the North-West Mounted Police but he made no comment as Corporal Manan lifted in his strong arms the still figure from the saddle, and, carrying it into the tepee, laid it beside the fire on the warm wolf skins and buffalo hides.