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"The scream of the madden'd beach dragged down by the wave;" and it is caused by the stones grating against each other as the waves drag them down. Dr. Tyndall tells us that it is possible to know the size of the stones by the kind of noise they make. If they are large, it is a confused noise, when smaller, a kind of scream; while a gravelly beach will produce a mere hiss.

Then from a dusky nook I fiercely sprung, The strength of manhood in that single bound: Around his bloated form I tightly clung, And headlong brought the murderer to the ground. We fell his temples struck the cold hearth-stone, The blood gush'd forth he died without a moan! "Yes by my hand he died! one frantic cry Of mortal anguish thrill'd my madden'd brain, Recalling sense and mem'ry.

"And he who had left her to madness and shame, Who had robb'd her of honour, and blasted her fame Did he think in that hour of the heart he had riven, The vows he had broken, the anguish he'd given? And where was the infant whose birth gave the blow To the peace of his mother, and madden'd her woe? A thought rush'd across me I ask'd for her child, With a wild laugh of triumph the maniac replied

Blandy, was prosecuted to outlawry, the learned judge observing with reference to the form adopted on that occasion, "It was natural to suppose groat care had been taken in settling it, because some of the most eminent gentlemen in the profession were employed in it." "Alas! the record of her page will tell That one thus madden'd, lov'd, and guilty fell.

"Oh, I once know'd a man as hadn't got a nose, An' this is how he come to hadn't One cold winter night he went and got it froze By the pain he was well-nigh madden'd. "Next day it swoll up as big as my head, An' it turn'd like a piece of putty; It kivered up his mouth, oh, yes, so it did, So he could not smoke his cutty.