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Updated: August 24, 2024

And that positive simply had to go through certain processes that took a certain amount of time; and it simply had to be dry and polished before he could wind it on his reels. Reels? Lord-ee! He didn't have any reels to wind it on! "What's the matter? Spoil something?"

"No Creek" Lee came into the trading-post on the following morning, and found Gale attending store as if nothing unusual had occurred. "Say! What's this about you and Stark? I hear you had a horrible run-in, and that you split him up the back like a quail." "We had a row," admitted the trader. "It's been a long time working out, and last night it came to a head." "Lord-ee!

"Yes I did, Granny; don't yer b'lieve dat gal; I said jes' much 'kingdom come' ez she did." And presently Jim would retaliate by saying, "Granny, Polly nuber sed nuf'n 'bout her 'cruspusses." "Lord-ee! jes' lis'n at dat nigger," Polly would say. "Granny, don't yer min' 'im; I sed furgib us cruspusses, jes' ez plain ez anybody, and Ginny hyeard me; didn't yer, Ginny?"

"'Papa, indeed!" said Diddie, contemptuously; "that's no name for a dog; I'm goin' ter name mine after some great big somebody." "Lord-ee! I tell yer, Miss Diddie; name 'im Marse Samson, atter de man w'at Mammy wuz tellin' 'bout totin' off de gates," said Dilsey.

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