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The Crabs and Macrurous Crustacea, the Stomapoda, the Diastylidae, the Amphipoda and Isopoda, the Ostracoda and Daphnidae, the Copepoda and Parasita, the Cirripedes and Rhizocephala of our coast, representing the class of Crustacea with the deficiency only of the Phyllopoda and Xiphosura, furnished a long and varied, and at the same time intimately connected series, such as was at my command in no other class.

Darwin regards them as forming a peculiar sub-class equivalent to the Podophthalma, Edriophthalma, etc. This appears to me to be most convenient. I would not combine the Rhizocephala with the Cirripedia, as Liljeborg has done, but place them in opposition as equivalent, like the Amphipoda and Isopoda.

Scarcely less striking than the example of the air-breathing Crabs, is the behaviour of the heart in the great section Edriophthalma, which may advantageously be divided, after the example of Dana and Spence Bate, only into two orders, the Amphipoda and the Isopoda.

The simple median eye appears earlier, and would therefore be more important than the compound paired eyes; the scale of the antennae in the Prawns would be more important than the flagellum; the maxillipedes of the Decapoda would be more important than the chelae and ambulatory feet, and the anterior six pairs of feet in the Isopoda, than the precisely similarly formed seventh pair; in the Amphipoda the most important of all organs would be the "micropylar apparatus," which disappears without leaving a trace soon after hatching; in Cyclops the setae of the tail would be more important than all the natatory feet; in the Cirripedia the posterior antennae, as to which we do not know what becomes of them, would be more important than the cirri, and so forth.

In the first place we may easily ascertain in Leucifer, as was also found to be the case by Claus, that the "green gland" really opens at the end of the process described by Milne-Edwards as a "tubercule auditif" and by Spence Bate as an "olfactory denticle." And, secondly, the position is about as different as it can well be. All the other limbs are usually well developed in the young Isopoda.

It need hardly be mentioned that the sexual peculiarities are not yet developed, and that in the males the hand-like enlargements of the anterior ambulatory feet and the copulatory appendages are still deficient. To the question, how far the development of Ligia is repeated in the other Isopoda, I can only give an unsatisfactory answer.

Thus, in my eyes, this point long constituted one of the chief difficulties in the application of the Darwinian views to the Crustacea, and I could scarcely venture to hope that I might yet find traces of this passage through the Zoea-form among the Amphipoda or Isopoda, and thus obtain a positive proof of the correctness of this conclusion.

Considering this uniformity presented by the heart in the entire order of the Amphipoda, it cannot but seem very remarkable, that in the very next order of the Isopoda, we find it to be one of the most changeable organs. Heart of a young Cassidina. Heart of a young Anilocra. Abdomen of the male of Entoniscus Cancrorum. h. Heart. l. In all other Isopoda the heart is removed towards the abdomen.

The similar number of segments* occurring in the Crabs and Macrura, Amphipoda and Isopoda, in which the last seven segments are always different from the preceding ones in the appendages with which they are furnished, could only be regarded as an inheritance from the same ancestors.

It is evident that the larva stands essentially in the grade of Zoea. Less varied than that of the Stalk-eyed Crustacea is the mode of development of the Isopoda and Amphipoda, which Leach united in the section Edriophthalma, or Crustacea with sessile eyes. Embryo of Ligia in the egg, magnified 15 diam.