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Updated: August 1, 2024

I am very much at a loss to express by any Word that occurs to me in our Language that which is understood by Indoles in Latin. The natural Disposition to any Particular Art, Science, Profession, or Trade, is very much to be consulted in the Care of Youth, and studied by Men for their own Conduct when they form to themselves any Scheme of Life.

What a far-extending influence does each of these names represent! The writing of books is perhaps the likeliest of all avenues by which to carry religious influence to the most select minds. See especially ch. lxi. 1-3. See Ewald's Introduction to The Prophets. "Bonorum ingeniorum insignis est indoles, in verbis verum amare, non verba.

And to confess the truth, notwithstanding the baseness of this character, which he hath too well deserved, he hath in his countenance sufficient symptoms of that bona indoles, that sweetness of disposition, which furnishes out a good Christian."

But tho' there is so little Care, as I have observed, taken, or Observation made of the natural Strain of Men, it is no small Comfort to me, as a SPECTATOR, that there is any right Value set upon the bona Indoles of other Animals; as appears by the following Advertisement handed about the County of Lincoln , and subscribed by Enos Thomas, a Person whom I have not the Honour to know, but suppose to be profoundly learned in Horse-flesh.

Saeculum==indoles et mores saeculi, the spirit of the age, the fashion. From these, it passed naturally, in Quintilian and the writers after him, into the sense of even more, still more, even, especially in connection with the comparative degree; where the authors of the Augustan age would have used etiam. See Z. 486; Boetticher's Lex. Tac. sub. voce; and Hand's Tursellinus, vol. 1.

Indoles is the proper term for this latter idea; and in using the word ingenium, there cannot be a doubt that Milton alluded to the dry scholastic disputations, which were shocking and odious to his fine poetical genius.

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