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Frost offers the following suggestion in such instances: The treatment recommended by us for open joints, in which we wish to prevent ankylosis, is, first, to shave all hair from the area surrounding the wound, following with a thorough cleansing of the skin and disinfection of the wound, and then to inject a twenty per cent Lugol's solution in glycerin into the wound.

I have only to tell you that a process is patented for decomposing fats with superheated steam, to drive or distil over the admixed fatty acids and glycerin, in order to show you that in your boilers such greasy matters will be more or less decomposed.

Subsequently the injection of from four to six ounces of a mixture of tincture of iodin, one part to ten parts of glycerin, and gentle massage of the joint immediately after the injection has been made, serves to check the infective process in some cases. The subject should be cared for as has been previously suggested in arthritis proper provisions for comfort being made.

Either a fountain or bulb syringe may be used for this purpose; a quart of water at a temperature of 110° F. should be prepared by making it into a suds with castile soap, or one tablespoonful of glycerin may be added to one pint of water.

I advised them to irrigate the nose with a warm solution of chloride of sodium four times a day morning, noon, evening, and on retiring; and, a few minutes after the cleansing of the parts, had the nares thoroughly sprayed with peroxide of hydrogen and c.p. glycerin, half and half. Those subject to a conjunctivitis I prescribed a two per cent. solution of boric acid as a wash.

It is administered twice a day; and the taste of the mixture is bland, mucilaginous, comforting to the praecordia, and not disagreeable. I resolved to try this method, and also the watery infusion; and, moreover, the natural expressed juice fortified with glycerin. This latter preparation was carefully made for me, from fresh mullein leaves, by Dr.

The bottle contains 160 grammes of a very inelegantly made emulsion, smelling of very common rose-water, with an unpleasant twang about it, and giving a strongly alkaline reaction. It consists of soap, glycerin, and cotton seed oil, made into a semi-emulsion. Creme de Fleurs des Lys; Blanc de Ville Onctueux.

At noon we conquered the last impediment we stood at last upon the summit, and without the loss of a single man except the mule that ate the glycerin. Our great achievement was achieved the possibility of the impossible was demonstrated, and Harris and I walked proudly into the great dining-room of the Riffelberg Hotel and stood our alpenstocks up in the corner.

I gasped, hoarsely, as we all imitated his every action. "Chlorin gas," he rasped back, "the same gas that overcame Granville Barnes. These masks are impregnated with a glycerin solution of sodium phosphate. It was chlorin that destroyed the red coloring matter in Barnes's blood. No wonder, when this action of just a whiff of it on us is so rapid. Even a short time longer and death would follow.

By using a small and sharp curette, one is enabled to cleanse the average wound quickly and almost painlessly. In such cases, equal parts of tincture of iodin and glycerin are employed. The wound is filled with this preparation and a quantity of it is poured upon a suitable piece of aseptic gauze or cotton and this is contacted with the wound.