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The harbour of Taloo on the north coast is very eligible for vessels it is situate in 17° 30' latitude, and 150° west longitude. This island is always seen by persons who touch at Otaheite. Tapoamanao, a little to the westward of Eimeo, has perhaps never been landed on by Europeans and is little known. It is not above six miles long, but seems fertile, and to abound especially with cocoa-nuts.

All the people of Matavai I saw were much concerned at my intention of going to Eimeo, and took every opportunity to prejudice me against the people of that island; to which I paid very little attention as their motive was obvious. Sunday 21.

Compelled at the end of these ten years, in consequence of the revolutions which convulsed Otaheite, to take refuge at Eimeo and other islands of the same group, their efforts were there crowned with more success. In 1817, Pomaré, king of Otaheite, recalled the missionaries, made them a grant of land, and declared himself a convert to Christianity.

It is not, indeed, likely that a measure of this kind should at any time seriously be adopted, because it cannot serve either the, purposes of public ambition, or private avarice; and, without such inducements, the captain has ventured to pronounce that it will never be undertaken. From Otaheite our voyagers sailed, on the 30th, to Eimeo, where they came to an anchor on the same day.

One with Mr Banks proceeded to the island of Eimeo, twelve miles west of Otaheite; Mr Hicks went to a spot eastward of Matavia Bay; while Captain Cook and Dr Solander remained at the fort. The eventful morning of the 3rd of June arrived. The sky was perfectly clear, and the passage of the planet Venus over the sun's disc was observed to great advantage.

Two years later, on the invitation of Pomare II, who was, however, then expelled from Tahiti and living in Eimeo, some of them returned, and Pomare became the first convert. Christianity rapidly spread, and in 1815, Pomare having returned to Tahiti, he and his Christian followers were attacked.

He said that he would exert his utmost endeavours to discover the guilty person, but it might possibly not be in his power to get him delivered up, which would be the case if he was either of Tiarraboo, Attahooroo, or of the island Eimeo.

Pass through the Low Archipelago Tahiti Aspect Vegetation on the Mountains View of Eimeo Excursion into the Interior Profound Ravines Succession of Waterfalls Number of wild useful Plants Temperance of the Inhabitants Their moral state Parliament convened New Zealand Bay of Islands Hippahs Excursion to Waimate Missionary Establishment English Weeds now run wild Waiomio Funeral of a New Zealand Woman Sail for Australia.

Some horses had been brought out, on two of which the captains rode daily over the plains of Matavai, to the great astonishment of the natives, who on all occasions assembled to witness this, to them, extraordinary feat. Leaving Otaheite, Cook the next day landed at Eimeo, where one of the goats he carried to stock their islands was stolen.

Whydooah, the youngest brother of Tinah, had lately been one of my constant visitors and seemed to have left off his former custom of getting drunk with the Ava. He was esteemed one of their best warriors; and I was told that in the quarrel with the people of Eimeo he killed Maheine the chief of that island. Friday 5. The weather for some time past had been very unsettled.