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George William Evans, Deputy-Surveyor of Lands, can certainly claim the honour of first discovering an Australian inland river; but Blaxland and his companions led the way across the hardest portion of the course. As may well be believed, the tidings brought back by the exploring party created great excitement in the small community.

Not aware that on Tyne-side the word 'hubbleshew' meant 'a concourse of riotous persons; that the narrow alleys or lanes of Newcastle 'old town' were called by their inhabitants 'chares; and that the lower end of each alley, where it opened upon quay-side, was termed a 'chare-foot; the judge, seeing only one part of the puzzle, inquired the meaning of the word 'hubbleshew. "A crowd of disorderly persons," answered the deputy-surveyor.

When the Assembly examined into the matter, they ordered their messenger forthwith to take into custody Job Rothmaller and Thomas Cooper, for aiding, assisting, and superintending the deputy-surveyor in marking out tracks of land already surveyed, contrary to the quit rent act. But Cooper, being taken into custody, applied to Chief Justice Wright for a writ of habeas corpus, which was granted.

The branches of the legislature thus became opposed; no course of action could be agreed on, and the theocracy drifted to its destruction. The duplicity characteristic of theological politics grew daily more marked. Meanwhile Randolph had renewed his attack. In December he returned, commissioned as deputy-surveyor and auditor-general for all New England, except New Hampshire.

In 1780 he was sent as a deputy-surveyor from Virginia into Kentucky, and after nearly two years spent in the country between the Kentucky and Green rivers, he went back to Philadelphia. On a second journey to the West his party was assailed by the Indians at the mouth of the Muskingum, and most were killed. But he was taken captive, and remained with the red men for nearly a year.

"The Shelldrakes are still living in Norridgeport. They have become Spiritualists, I understand, and cultivate Mediums. Hollins, when I last heard of him, was a Deputy-Surveyor in the New York Custom-House. Perkins Brown is our butcher here in Waterbury, and he often asks me 'Do you take chloride of soda on your beefsteaks? He is as fat as a prize ox, and the father of five children."

William Russell, in past days deputy-surveyor of 'canny Newcastle, and a genuine Northumbrian in dialect, brogue, and shrewdness, was giving his evidence at an important trial in the Newcastle court-house, when he said "As I was going along the quay, I saw a hubbleshew coming out of a chare-foot."