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His devils have plundered the town, thrown out the bedridden that jest couldn't move, thrown their goods out after 'em, burned, murdered, tore up. You come up from the river, and you ain't seen that yet they ain't touched the lower part of town and now they're bunkin' in the temple, defacin' it, defilin' it, that place we built to be a house of rest for the Lord when he cometh again.

Thus the trouble began. Knife and fork in hand, Patsy leaped for Carter Watson. "Out wid yeh!" Patsy bellowed. "I know yer game!" Carter Watson was startled. The man had come upon him like the eruption of a jack-in-the-box. "A defacin' me walls," cried Patsy, at the same time emitting a string of vivid and vile, rather than virile, epithets of opprobrium.

Well, guess where that Bible opened to! 'Yea, the sparrow hath found a house and the swallow a nest for herself where she may lay her young. That was a message, ma'am, a straight, sure message. I opened the window an' scattered their bread-crumbs out on the sill, which I had made jest the least bit wider for them that's what he calls 'defacin' the buildin'. After that, I told Mr.

No hold-outs anywhere. It was a heap long ways to cows; and I'd be teetotally chawed up and spit out if I was goin' to join these minin' terrapins defacin' the bosom of nature. It sure looked to me like hard work. While I was figurin' what next, Dutchy came in. Which I was tur'ble surprised at that, but I said good-mornin' and would he rest his poor feet. "You like to make some money?" he asks.