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Then she went to a brook, washed herself with the black powder, and became on a sudden dark-coloured and haggard; and thus she went her way to the city. After Bova Korolevich had destroyed King Dadon's army, he returned to the place where he had left his wife and Polkan, to take them with him to the city of Sumin.

As soon as he had left the city, Militrisa ordered the drawbridges to be raised and the gates to be shut. And hardly had King Guidon approached Tsar Dadon's rearguard, when the latter instantly pursued him.

Meanwhile he went to his father's grave and wept over it, and then returned to the city of Sumin. When Dadon's body was brought before Militrisa, she fell to weeping bitterly; and, as she washed the blood off with her tears, she perceived that he was still living.

To save our lives, therefore, we will fly to the city of Sumin, over which my father rules." And so saying, Simbalda saddled for himself a good steed, and for Bova a palfrey, took with him thirty stout young fellows, and hurried out of the city. As soon as Dadon's followers saw this, they went and told their master that Bova and Simbalda had escaped towards Sumin.

Thereupon he gave into her hands the dish, with King Dadon's head upon it. When Militrisa raised the cloth and beheld the head, she was so horror-struck that for some time she could not utter a word; at length she fell to tearing her hair and clothes, and took an oath to kill Bova Korolevich for slaying Dadon and having called himself her son.

So saying, Bova struck off King Dadon's head, laid it upon a silver dish, covered it with a white cloth, and went to his mother Militrisa. When he entered her chamber he said to her: "My gracious Mother, I am come to inform you that your beloved husband Dadon is quite recovered from his wounds, and has sent us to announce the glad tidings to you with this present."

So saying he took leave of Polkan, mounted his steed, and rode with all haste against Dadon's army; and he speedily laid about him right and left, and slew them until the few who survived fell on their knees and begged for mercy. Whilst Bova was thus engaged, and Drushnevna was sitting in the tent, two huge lions rushed out of the forest and flew at Polkan to tear him to pieces.

So saying, Bova dismissed the prisoners, and said to Polkan: "Comrade, I will now ride out to fight with Dadon's army which is sent against me: I pray you to remain near my white tent to protect my wife against enemies and wild beasts; but tell her not that I am gone out to battle; for I shall soon return to reward your faithful service, and if need be, to lay down my life for you."