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In 1827, such a sudden eruption of a torrent, after the current had appeared to have ceased, swept off forty-two houses and drowned twenty-eight persons in the village of Goncelin, near Grenoble, and buried with rubbish a great part of the remainder of the village." The French traveller, D'Abbadie, relates precisely similar occurrences as not unfrequent in the mountains of Abyssinia.

Castin and she herself a well educated woman. The genealogist of the d'Abbadie St. Castin family, however, uses rather grandiloquent language when he styles the mother of Anastasie St. Castin, "Mathilde Matacawando, princess indienne, fille de Matacawando, general-en-chef des indiens Abenakis."

D'Abbadie whispered to him that your Majesty was in the habit of cutting off hands and feet; on that, without a word more, Napoleon turned his back upon me." Theodore then took the letter, and, tearing it to pieces, said: "Who is that Napoleon? Are not my ancestors greater than his? If God made him great, can he not make me also great?"

But this last assertion is demolished, by the declaration of M. d'Abbadie, who has just returned from Abyssinia, that certain tribes of Arabs and Abyssinians who do not use coffee can support greater fatigue than those who do. In presence of such very contradictory facts, who shall say which of the learned doctors is in the right?" A CURIOUS TRIO. Mr.

A Sepoy's tent, pent-house shaped, supported by a single transverse and two upright poles and open at one of the long ends. Since returning I have been informed, however, by the celebrated Abyssinian traveller M. Antoine d'Abbadie, that in no part of the wild countries which he visited was his life so much perilled as at Berberah. Lieut.

The Batavian Society of Rotterdam have just issued an elaborate illustrated Report on the best method of improving permanently the estuary of Goedereede a question of considerable moment to the merchants of Rotterdam. The French government have had a new fount of Ethiopic types cast, to enable M. d'Abbadie to prepare a catalogue of African manuscripts.

Léon des Avanchers has found the Wa-Berrikimos or Cincallès, whose stature is about four feet four inches. The information gathered by M. D'Abbadie places towards theof north latitude the Mallas or Mazé-Malléas, with a stature of five feet. Everything indicates that there exist, at the south of the Galla country, different negro tribes of small stature.

"Between the Teslintoo and the Big Salmon, so called by the miners, or D'Abbadie by Schwatka, the distance is thirty-three and a-half miles, in which the Lewes preserves a generally uniform width and current. For a few miles below the Teslintoo it is a little over the ordinary width, but then contracts to about two hundred yards which it maintains with little variation.