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Clover had been very unwilling to read the first piece, and had only yielded after much coaxing from Rose, who had bestowed upon her in consequence the name of Quintia Curtia. She felt very shy as she stood up with her paper in hand, and her voice trembled perceptibly; but after a minute she grew used to the sound of it, and read steadily.

A great ditch yawned between a crocheteer and a rotten branch he coveted. Our Quinta Curtia flung herself, her eyesight, and her time into that ditch. Twelve o'clock came, and found them still wallowing in modern antiquity. "Bless me!" cried Mr. Fountain when John brought up the bed-candles, "how time flies when one is really employed."

"If that were your belief, Bessie, the demon of teasing has fuller possession of you than I knew." "Ah! I forgot," exclaimed Bessie, "it is tender ground with you likewise. Alas! Alick, sisterly affection cannot blind me to the fact of that unrequited admiration for your honourable rival." "What, from the strong-minded Curtia?"

I think a good downfall plump would be the most wholesome thing that could happen to her; and besides, I never told her to take the man for her almoner and counsellor! I may have pointed to the gulf, but I never bade Curtia leap into it." "I wish there were any one to make inquiries about this person," said Ermine; "but when Colonel Keith came it was too late.

Mettall not refined, as lead, iron, and such grosse wares, are sold by a great Cartare, which is halfe as big againe: so it is 180. li. subtil of ours here. The measure of corne is by a measure called a Curtia, which is about 4. bushels of our measure, and corne is plentiful there and good cheape, except when there hapneth a very dry yeere.

"He has hurt his foot!" exclaimed Rachel; "I must go down after him. Yes, Don, yes, poor fellow, I'm coming." "My dear Curtia, don't leap into the gulf!" "Oh, it's no great height, and the tide will soon fill up this place." "Don't! don't! You'll never be able to get up again."