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It is one thing to endure partial exposure after months of training, with experienced medics standing by to help you through the shock phase, but quite another to be thrust from a safe and sheltered existence into the mind shattering distortions of the Cth continuum. The Egg was old. Her screens, never good at best, were hardly more than filters.

We gave them a Cannister of Powder and a Bottle of whiskey and delivered a few presents to the whole after giveing a Br. Cth. The Misquitors excessively troublesom this evening Great appearance of wind and rain to the N. W. we prepare to rec've it- The man Liberty whome we Sent for the Ottoes has not Come up he left the Ottoes Town one Day before the Indians.

I haven't had my child yet and it doesn't take ten years of pregnancy to produce a baby." "It's the difference between subjective and objective time," Kennon said. "We traveled here through hyperspace low Cth in an uncompensated ship, and there is little temporal flow in the levels below the blue." "Oh of course." Kennon chuckled. "That would have been Greek to you a couple of weeks ago.

Basically the ship was an ion-jet job with atomic primaries and a spindizzy converter that might possibly take her up as high as middle yellow Cth far enough to give her a good turn of speed, but not enough to compensate for timelag. Her screens were monstrosities, double polyphase lattices that looked about as spacetight as so many sieves.

Kennon said, looking across the writhing semifluid control board, shifting oddly in the harsh yellow monochromatic light that pervaded the cabin. The screens were leaking like sieves, but they were holding well enough to keep Cth yellow from being anything more than an annoyance. He glanced over at Copper, a fantastically elongated Copper who looked like a madman's dream of chaos.

The old ships didn't have temporal compensators, nor could they travel through upper bands of Cth where subjective and objective time were more nearly equal. They were trapped in a semi-stasis of time as the ship fled on through the distorted monochromatic regions that bypassed normal space. The Egg slipped smoothly out of the hyper jump, back into the normal universe.

Through the hull, through the drive lattice, the viciously distorted Cth environment seeped into the ship turning prosaic shapes of controls and instruments into writhing masses of obscene horror that sent extensions wiggling off into nothingness at eye-aching angles. A spaceman could take this knowing it wasn't real but a tyro could not. Copper collapsed.