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In fact the counter-proof can only be regarded as successful, when it shall have produced a methodical calculation based on rural economics, according to which among a population chiefly subsisting on vegetables the produce of a piece of land of an acre and a quarter proves sufficient on an average for the subsistence of a family.

Neither is he God, nor can he, living, become God. All the more, then, the oak, the lion, the sun, the universe itself, sections of the absolute, are not God. At the same stroke the worship of man and the worship of nature are overthrown. Now we have to present the counter-proof of this theory. From the standpoint of social contradictions we have judged of the morality of man.

As soon as he could he made his way to Collinot, and asked that a time be fixed for the hearing of his case. "This day fortnight at ten of the clock before noon," Collinot said in his decisive, military manner. Lecour saluted and retired, and the Adjutant wrote a notice for de Léry to prepare his counter-proof. Both sides entered into the contest with the utmost activity.

And so they went at it hammer and tongs, deduction and counter-deduction, proof and counter-proof; and the owner of that glittering mauve-marked bowl which had started the discussion threw in a well-considered word here and there to keep the argument well alive.

Bacon emphasizes the fact that hitherto the importance of negative instances, which are to be employed as a kind of counter-proof, has been completely overlooked, and that a substitute for complete induction, which is never attainable, may be found, on the one hand, in the collection of as many cases as possible, and, on the other, by considering the more important or decisive cases, the "prerogative instances."

Yet these robust eaters die of hunger or poison for no greater cause than a drop of syrup, the lightest diet imaginable, adapted to the weakness of extreme youth, and a delicacy to the adult! What a gulf of obscurity in the stomach of a miserable worm! These gastronomic experiments called for a counter-proof. The carnivorous grub is killed by honey.

In fact the counter-proof can only be regarded as successful, when it shall have produced a methodical calculation based on rural economics, according to which among a population chiefly subsisting on vegetables the produce of a piece of land of an acre and a quarter proves sufficient on an average for the subsistence of a family.

That is why many of my compositions are so hard to understand: they relate to events of distant interest, though important; but everything remarkable that is furnished me by the period I must express musically." In short, the events go into the composer's brain, mix there, and come out changed into a musical structure. The plastic imagination furnishes us a counter-proof: it transposes inversely.