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Sunshine was streamin' in through the porthole, and I was just wonderin' if I'd slept right through the breakfast gong when boom! it came again. There's a rush of feet on deck, some panicky remarks from the man up in the bow, a quick clangin' of the engine-room bells, and then I feels the propellers reversed. "Good night!" says I. "Pinched on the high seas!"

The crank-throws give the double-bass, the feed-pump sobs an' heaves, An' now the main eccentrics start their quarrel on the sheaves: Her time, her own appointed time, the rocking link-head bides, Till hear that note? the rod's return whings glimmerin' through the guides. They're all awa'! True beat, full power, the clangin' chorus goes Clear to the tunnel where they sit, my purrin' dynamos.

I haud my breath and lay close watchin' him, but just as he cam tae where I was my vera hairt stood still in my breast, for "ting!" loud and clear, within a yaird o' me cam the ringin', clangin' soond that I had a'ready hairkened tae. Where it cam frae is mair than I can tell or what was the cause o't.

Sandy took till his heels up the stair; an' a gey like picture he was, wi' his lang, white sark-tails fleein' i' the air, a lum hat on his heid, an umberell in his oxter, the bag in ae hand, an' the denner bell i' the ither, bangin' an' clangin' at ilky jump.

Men, wimmen and children rushin' every which way police firemen fire bells clangin' men shoutin' wimmen shriekin' and every minute the flames increased! The firemen did what they could, they worked like giants, but the element they wuz workin' aginst wuz more powerful than man.

I felt there wuz some truth in this, though it wouldn't make nigh so much noise as the thousands of church bells clangin' out church time in cities and villages.