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Updated: August 15, 2024

At last it came to this, that the young Wardour, that was Red-hand's son, challenged Misticot to fight with him in the lists as they ca'd them that's no lists or tailor's runds and selvedges o' claith, but a palin'-thing they set up for them to fight in like game-cocks.

I wussed her to wash it in St. Anthony's Well, and that will cleanse if onything can But they say bluid never bleaches out o' linen claith Deacon Sanders's new cleansing draps winna do't I tried them mysell on a bit rag we hae at hame that was mailed wi' the bluid of a bit skirting wean that was hurt some gate, but out it winna come Weel, yell say that's queer; but I will bring it out to St.

"Some threep that he's worn thae eedentical pair the last twenty year, an' a mind masel' him getting' a tear ahint, when he was crossin' oor palin', an the mend's still veesible. "Ithers declare 'at he's got a wab o' claith, and hes a new pair made in Muirtown aince in the twa year maybe, and keeps them in the garden till the new look wears aff.

But to see what a thing gude braid claith is! Had I been in ony o' your rotten French camlets now, or your drab-de-berries, it would hae screeded like an auld rag wi' sic a weight as mine. But fair fa' the weaver that wrought the weft o't I swung and bobbit yonder as safe as a gabbart* that's moored by a three-ply cable at the Broomielaw."

'He hadna gone a step, a step, A step but only ane, When a bout flew out o' our goodly ship, And the saut sea it came in. Then we fetched a web o' the silken claith, and anither o' the twine, as our captain bade us; we wapped them into our ship's side and letna the sea come in; but in vain, in vain.

Forbye, gin ye began wi' his claes, ye wadna ken whaur to haud; for it wad jist be the new claith upo' the auld garment: ye micht as weel new cleed him at ance. 'And why not if I choose, Mr. Falconer? I wadna hae ye try that. Some fowk's poverty maun be han'let jist like a sair place, doctor.

I wussed her to wash it in St. Anthony's Well, and that will cleanse if onything can But they say bluid never bleaches out o' linen claith Deacon Sanders's new cleansing draps winna do't I tried them mysell on a bit rag we hae at hame that was mailed wi' the bluid of a bit skirting wean that was hurt some gate, but out it winna come Weel, yell say that's queer; but I will bring it out to St.

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