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"I'm glad to know that. I'll talk with General Totten in a moment!" Again Mac Tavish came trotting past Rellihan. Morrison snatched away the telegram that his agent proffered; but the master demanded news before proceeding to open the missive. "There's summat in the air," reported Andrew. "Much blust'ring; the square is crowded!

But we, alas! do commonly behold Blooms fall apace, if mornings be but cold. They too, which hang till they young apples are, By blasting winds and vermin take despair, Store that do hang, while almost ripe, we see By blust'ring winds are shaken from the tree, So that of many, only some there be, That grow till they come to maturity. Comparison.

Cease, rude Boreas, blust'ring railer! List, ye landsmen ill, to me! Messmates! hear a brother sailor Sing the dangers of the sea. This and the following chapter contains the story of cases of rescue in which the ships in distress were saved, together with all on board, by the skill and courage of the Deal lifeboatmen, and brought finally with their respective cargoes safe into port.

Mansoul not only heard the trumpet sound, But saw her gallants gasping on the ground; Wherefore, we must not think that she could rest With them, whose greatest earnest is but jest: Or where the blust'ring threat'ning of great wars Do end in parleys, or in wording jars.

"... this silken gown and slender veil Might for a breastplate and a helm forgo; Then should not heat, nor cold, nor rain, nor hail, Nor storms that fall, nor blust'ring winds that blow, Withhold me; but I would, both day and night, In pitched field or private combat, fight "Fight? Yes, that I would! Why are both my brothers to be parsons, I say?

Amongst the numberless verses which might be quoted against the family of the owl, I think I only know of one little ode which expresses any pity for it. Our nursery maid used to sing it to the tune of the Storm, "Cease rude Boreas, blust'ring railer." I remember the first two stanzas of it:

And again: But still my little ship outbraves The blust'ring winds and stormy waves. After this storm I saw the pilot of the Pinta no more.