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Updated: August 7, 2024

For a long time he had lain balancing between life and death, and when he recovered sufficiently to be moved had been taken by rail to Switzerland. He had given strict orders that no one should be allowed to write to his friends in England, but had asked very anxiously after me. Biquitous gave me a great many more particulars, but this was the gist of his sad news.

U. Biquitous the captain of the Thunderer! I felt indignant when blue-jacket replied, with a contemptuous growl `No, miss, 'taint. They passed on, but I could not rest. I rose and followed blue-eyes about the ship like a loving dog, at a respectful distance. I tried to find out her name, but failed her address, but failed again. Then they left, and she vanished from my sight for ever.

U. Biquitous shook hands heartily, and walked rapidly away down the avenue, where he was eventually hidden from our view by a bush of laurel. To return from this digression. It is not difficult in these days to "put a girdle round the world." Ivanka and I soon reached the village of Venilik.

I had never heard of her having left England, though I had been told that her sister-ship the Devastation was at Besika. Remembering the injunction of my friend Biquitous, I went on board the Thunderer, and was hospitably received by the captain. He had only time, however, to shake hands and beg me to make myself at home.

The evening before my departure I received a most unexpected and interesting letter from my friend U. Biquitous, the effects of which were so surprising, and I may add unparalleled, that I cannot forbear quoting it. After a few of those sage reflections in which Biquitous is prone to indulge, he went on to say:

Reader, I would gladly make a confidant of yourself in this matter, and tell you all about this charming little woman, if it were not for the fact that she is standing at my elbow at this very minute, causing me to make blots, and telling me not to write nonsense! Before dismissing U. Biquitous, I may as well introduce here the last meeting I had with him.

"You fancy so, because you misunderstand my views," said I; "besides, I have not yet fully explained them but here comes one who will explain them better than I can do myself." As I spoke a man was seen to approach, with a smart free-and-easy air. "It is my friend U. Biquitous," said I, rising and hastening to meet him.

Your torpedo, as you have just described it to me, is an impossibility, and you yourself are " "An ass?" said I, looking up in his face. "No, by no means," returned Biquitous, earnestly; "but you are an enthusiast without ballast. Enthusiasm is a fine, noble quality. The want of ballast is a grievous misfortune.

Yes, Blue-eyes goes with me. We shall levant together." "Are bad puns allowed in the Evergreen?" I asked. "Not unless excessively bad," returned my friend; "they won't tolerate anything lukewarm." "Well, now, Biquitous," said I, "sit down and give Nicholas, who is hard to convince, your opinion as to the mode in which this and other countries ought to prepare for self-defence."

"But," continued U. Biquitous, impressively, "I would do so without taking a single man away from his home, or interfering with his duties as a civilian.

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