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Updated: August 24, 2024

It's been proved." At this Dick would look a bit blank. "If you've read 'Hamlet' you can't help but see." "Well, he he lived in a more credulous age a more religious age." But she demanded the whole loaf: "Oh, yes, but you see Bilphism isn't a religion. It's the science of all religions." She smiled defiantly at him. This was the bon mot of her belief.

Maury was unruffled; his fur seemed to run all ways. "As a matter of fact we did talk on Bilphism. Seems her mother's a Bilphist. Mostly, though, we talked about legs." Anthony rocked in glee. "My God! Whose legs?" "Hers. She talked a lot about hers. As though they were a sort of choice bric-a-brac. She aroused a great desire to see them." "What is she a dancer?"

I can tell whenever I see a person whether he is clean, and if so, which kind of clean he is." "We're twins." Ecstatic thought! "Mother says" she hesitated uncertainly "mother says that two souls are sometimes created together and and in love before they're born." Bilphism gained its easiest convert.... After a while he lifted up his head and laughed soundlessly toward the ceiling.

"Well, I can't describe her exactly except to say that she was beautiful. She was tremendously alive. She was eating gum-drops." "What!" "It was a sort of attenuated vice. She's a nervous kind said she always ate gum-drops at teas because she had to stand around so long in one place." "What'd you talk about Bergson? Bilphism? Whether the one-step is immoral?"

Not only to Anthony and Maury did he pour out his hopes and boasts and indecisions, but to any one who could be prevailed upon to listen. And latest among his confidantes was Mrs. Gilbert, who sat with him by the hour and alternated between Bilphism and literature in an intense cross-fire. "Shakespeare was a Bilphist," she assured him through a fixed smile. "Oh, yes! He was a Bilphist.

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