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She flashed her tempting glance up into the man's face, and Brown stamped his feet nervously, endeavoring to appear stern. "C-c-could n't h-hardly do it, m-m-miss. It 's t-too blame dirty d-d-down below fer y-your sort. B-b-besides, my p-pardner ain't yere, an' he m-m-might not l-like it." "You haf de pardner? Who vas de pardner?" "H-h-his name's H-H-Hicks."

Finally, as the sun was sinking low, Jim was allowed to depart, fairly laden with the various good things which the campers insisted on sending to the unfortunate tramp printer. "We can spare them easy enough," Max had remarked. "Sure we can, and more, too," echoed Owen. "B-b-besides, we've b-b-been so lucky, you k-k-know, in our hunt for p-p-pearls, we ought to be g-g-g-g "

All men like C-C-Calvaster assume that every married woman is interested in some man b-b-besides her husband, or in almost any man, and if married women are under suspicion, on the assumption that one husband is not enough, of c-c-course you Vestals, who haven't even a husband, are doubly under suspicion." "Bah!" snarled Brinnaria, "you make me cross!" "Facts are facts," Flexinna summed up.

"And b-b-besides, in all the Empire a Vestal is the nearest thing to a p-p-princess we have. We read a lot about Egyptian princesses, and Asiatic princesses and we hear about P-P-Parthian p-p-princesses, but the only p-p-princesses we ever see are the Vestals. They are the only p-p-princesses in the Empire, in Italy, in Rome, the six of them.