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The Arithmeticon, of which a description will be given in a subsequent chapter, is simple in its construction, but, as will be seen hereafter, may be variously and beneficially applied. It is indeed indispensable in an infant school, as it is useful for teaching the first principles of grammar, arithmetic, and geometry.

Wilderspin has originated some improvements in the system of Infant School education; but Mr. Wilderspin claims so much that many persons have been led to refuse him that degree of credit to which he is fairly entitled. For example, he claims a beneficial interest in an instrument called the Arithmeticon, of which he says he was the inventor.

Means for conveying instruction Method of teaching the alphabet in connection with objects Spelling Reading Developing lessons Reading lessons in Natural History The Arithmeticon Brass letters Their uses. "Without things, words, accumulated by misery in the memory, had far better die than drag out a miserable existence in the dark.

Means for conveying instruction Method of teaching the alphabet in connection with objects Spelling Reading Developing lessons Reading lessons in natural history The arithmeticon Brass letters Their uses The arithmeticon How applied Numeration Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Fractions Arithmetical tables Arithmetical songs Observations

Now, I defy the writer of this to prove that the Arithmeticon existed before I invented it. I claim no more than what is my due.

In this department we use the tablet placed beneath the arithmeticon, the invention and improvement of which are described in the volume entitled "Early Discipline Illustrated, or the Infant System Successful and Progressing." A clear idea of the whole apparatus is given by the wood-cut on the next page, and it ought certainly to be found in every infant school.

A. A man that makes rum, brandy, whiskey, and other liquors. Q. What does a grocer mean? A. A man that sells tea, coffee, sugar, spices, and many other things. Q. What does a carpenter mean? A. A man that cuts up wood, makes benches; it was a carpenter made our gallery. Q. What does a turner mean? A. A man who makes snuff-boxes, bed-posts; It was a turner who made the balls on our arithmeticon.

A. Yes, round its own axis, in the same way as you turn the balls round on the wires of the arithmeticon. Q. What are these motions called? A. Its motion round the sun is called its annual or yearly motion. Q. What is its other motion called? A. Its diurnal or daily motion. Q. What is caused by its motion round the sun?

In a book lately published, which is a compilation by two London masters, it is stated, in the preface, that they were at a loss for proper lessons: had they used those in existence I cannot help thinking they were enough for the capacity of children under six years of age. The arithmeticon, I would just remark, may be applied to geometry. Round, square, oblong, &c. &c., may be easily taught.

To give an idea of number through the eye, I had recourse at first to buttons strung on strings across a frame, and this led to the substitution of wooden balls on wires, and other improvements through experience, until the arithmeticon, hereafter described, was fully formed.