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Updated: August 2, 2024

Ye be my lyfe, ye be myn hertys stere, Ye be my life, ye be my heart's guide, Quene of comfort, and of good companye, Queen of comfort, and of good company, Beth heuy ageyne, or elles moote I dye. Be heavy again, or else must I die.

He died, however, a year later. To yow my purse, and to noon other wight To you my purse, and to no other wight Complayne I, for ye by my lady dere; Complain I, for ye be my lady dear; I am so sorry now that ye been lyght, I am so sorry now that ye be light, For certes, but yf ye make me hevy chere For certainly, but if ye make me heavy cheer Me were as leef be layde upon my bere; I would as soon be laid upon my bier; For which unto your mercy thus I crye, For which unto your mercy thus I cry, Beeth hevy ageyne, or elles mote I dye.

Whoever has felt the worth of worthy man, or has doted on lovely woman, will, on such a day, call them tenderly to mind, and feel his heart all alive with long-buried recollections. "For thenne," says the excellent romance of King Arthur, "lovers call ageyne to their mynde old gentilnes and old servyse, and many kind dedes that were forgotten by neglygence."

So when the holy vessel had been there a great while it went unto the chapel with the chandelier and the light, so that Launcelot wist not where it was become; for he was overtaken with sin that he had no power to rise ageyne the holy vessel; wherefore after that many men said of him shame, but he took repentance after that.

Sir Gawaine is the first to go, using his last strength to write to Sir Launcelot begging his forgiveness: "I byseche the, Sir Launcelot, to retorne ageyne vnto this realme, and see my tombe, & praye some prayer more or lesse for my soule."

"Then sayd Virgilius, 'Shulde ye well passe in to the hole that ye cam out of? 'Yea, I shall well, sayd the devyl. 'I holde the best plegge that I have, that ye shall not do it. 'Well, sayd the devyll, 'thereto I consent. And then the devyll wrange himselfe into the lytyll hole ageyne, and he was therein. Ibid. Canst thou balance our city upon an egg?

Now knyghte, said Accolon unto Arthur, kepe the wel from me, but Arthur ansuered not ageyne, and gat hym suche a buffet on the helme that he made hym to stoupe nygh fallynge doune to the earthe. Thenne Sir Accolon with drewe hym a lytel, and cam on with Excalibur on hyghe, and smote Syr Arthur suche a buffet that he felle nyhe to the erthe.

Whoever has felt the worth of worthy man, or has doted on lovely woman, will, on such a day, call them tenderly to mind, and feel his heart all alive with long-buried recollections. "For thenne," says the excellent romance of King Arthur, "lovers call ageyne to their mynde old gentilnes and old servyse, and many kind dedes that were forgotten by neglygence."

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