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Perhaps, however, the strangest thing of all was that these very people would at times make fun in small ways of the whole system; indeed, there was hardly any insinuation against it which they would not tolerate and even applaud in their daily newspapers if written anonymously, while if the same thing were said without ambiguity to their faces nominative case verb and accusative being all in their right places, and doubt impossible they would consider themselves very seriously and justly outraged, and accuse the speaker of being unwell.

The Northern French trouvère is a nominative form, and trouveor should more properly correspond with trobador. The accusative form, which should have persisted, was superseded by the nominative trouvère, which grammarians brought into fashion at the end of the eighteenth century.

PROPOSE. Hardly any word that we have cited is so frequently misused, and by so many good writers, as propose, when the meaning is to design, to intend to propose. It should always be followed by a personal accusative I propose to you, to him, to myself.

Henniker's, since it was the banker's wife who first asked, with uplifted brows and the accent accusative, if the unspeakable Bryerson woman were safely beyond tramping distance from Woodlawn. They were both mistaken.

And he stirred up an evil plague through the army. Lest perchance they wish to decide the contest in the night, where the preposition is followed by, the accusative, not the genitive. Of whom he lies lamenting, instead of "concerning whom." Expecting whether he would bespeak him, instead of "speak to him." And other prepositions he in the same fashion changes or leaves out.

The Bengal texts read mahasuram in the second line of the verse. This seems to be vicious. The Bombay text reads rane suram. I adopt the last. 475. i.e. Thou art still a woman though the sex hath been changed. Literally, "will not get or obtain you." The Bombay reading, therefore, is vicious. The Burdwan Pundits also err in taking that word as occurring in the accusative form.