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Updated: August 20, 2024

And I saw yu' walk unarmed into that White River excitement when those two other parsons was a-foggin' and a-fannin' for their own safety. Damn scoundrels!" The bishop instantly rebuked such language about brothers of his cloth, even though he disapproved both of them and their doctrines. "Every one may be an instrument of Providence," he concluded.

I'm surely thick in the haid," soothed the intruder, and listened with bland good-humor to the official's flow of protest. "Well well! Disrupted the whole transcontinental traffic, didn't I? And me so innocent, too. Now, this is how I figured it out. Here's me in a hurry to get to Tucson. Here comes your train a-foggin' also and likewise hittin' the high spots for Tucson.

He buys tickets over the Santa Fe, and he goes a-fannin' and a-foggin'. But, gentlemen, hush! The very same day Saynt Augustine he tears out of Philadelphia. He travelled by the way o' Washington, an' out he comes a-fannin' an' a-foggin' over the Southern Pacific. Of course Tulare didn't know nothin' of this.

I shouldn't wonder if he's a-foggin' it through the mountains right now to get himself plumb famous for tippin' off the district attorney where to do his minin'." "You seen him!" "Yes, we had quite a little pow-wow." "You sure didn't let him git holt of nothin'!" "Yes. He's about to bust with the information he gathered. An' say, he might of seen them mares an' passed 'em up.

I reckon I never was more glad to death to meet a lady than I was to meet up with y'u," he continued, cheerily. "Y'u sure looked good to me as y'u come a-foggin' down the road. I fair had been yearnin' for company but was some discouraged for fear the invitation had miscarried." He broke off his sardonic raillery and let his level gaze possess her for a long moment.

"Up hill, yes. But Pounds will go down a-foggin'." We gained the rim of the basin. It lay below us, a great cup of country, rocks, woods, opens, and streams. The tall peaks rose like spires around it, magnificent and bare in the last of the sun; and we surveyed this upper world, letting our animals get breath.

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