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M. Francheschi said that Reschid Pacha is not alarmed, though he is aware of the gravity of the situation of the affair; he said the Sultan is not alarmed and is firm. With the concurrence of M. de Sturmer, I desired M. Francheschi to tell H. E. Reschid Pacha that the Sultan might depend upon the support of his allies.

True it was that that illustrious individual had enjoy'd in a very high degree the confidence of his noble friend's deceased relative; and true it also was, that none of the great measures which had been resolved upon at vienna and at Paris had been concerted or carried on without the intervention of that illustrious person.

Traduction de John Bowring, dans son livre Servian Popular Poetry, Londres, 1827, pp. 52-57, sous le titre de «Hassan Aga's Wife's Lament». Cette traduction n'est pas faite sur l'original serbe, comme son auteur le laisse entendre, mais d'après la traduction allemande par Talvj. What's so white upon yon verdant forest? Is it snow, or is it swans assembled?

«We must see you immediately upon a matter of great importance. Plots have been discovered, and the conspirators are in our hands. Hasten

The undersigned has great pleasure in acknowledging that the conviction thus felt by Her Majesty's Government has been confirmed by the belief expressed to him by M. Guizot upon this matter, on which however M. Guizot stated that he had received no information from his own Government, and of which he knew nothing but what the undersigned had laid before him.

On the other hand he felt that there could be no good taste in dwelling upon the virtue and the merit of a man's own acquaintance in an assembly like that of their Lordships; yet he trusted that he might be allowed to observe that forty years acquaintance with the noble individual who had been alluded to, enabled him to bear his testimony to the fact, that although those forty years had been passed during a time peculiarly fraught with calumnies of every description, there had been no man's private character more shamefully traduced, and no man's public character more mistaken and misrepresented, than the private and public character of prince de Talleyrand.

[Note 16: Brew'd with her sorrows, mesh'd upon her cheeks; Grossière allusion

Le directeur souriait et passait sa main sur son crâne chauve, tout en répondant: Vous nous flattez, parole d'honneur! Non, je vous jure, reprenait l'autre; jamais hospice ne m'a paru aussi bien tenu, aussi habilement organisé. Je suis ravi, upon my word, tout

Il ne l'aura pas longtemps! fit Baptiste.... A nous quatre, dit Félix, on peut en tordre joliment de ces Hiboux. Upon my soul! murmura John en serrant les poings. Vous n'êtes pas indien? demanda le missionnaire au vieux chef. Le renégat fit un pas en arrière, et devint livide. Qui vous a dit cela? répliqua-t-il. Ceux qui vous connaissent, repartit le prêtre.

I considered it to be my indispensable duty, as minister of the crown, to place my answer upon record; and I will fairly own that, though I felt that M. Thiers might complain of my delay, and might have said that, by postponing my answer till he was out of office, I prevented him from making a reply, it did not occur to me at the time that M. Guizot would feel at all embarrassed by receiving my answer to his predecessor.