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After detailing at length the reasons which have induced him to arrive at such a conclusion, he suggests to Her Majesty's government the expediency of appointing a joint commission for the purpose of inquiring whether means may not be discovered for the suppression of the slave trade, as effectual or even more effectual than those afforded by the treaties which confer the mutual right search.

It was reported that the Germans had been completely defeated in a great battle fought at Waterloo, and were fleeing in confusion. The inhabitants of Brussels wished to take up arms and finish off Jarodzky and any survivors, but fortunately the error was discovered in time». Now, this is exactly what the German generals declare to have happened at Louvain.

«We must see you immediately upon a matter of great importance. Plots have been discovered, and the conspirators are in our hands. Hasten

"We find now and then," says La Bruyère, "a woman who has so obliterated her husband that there is in the world no mention of him, and whether he is alive or whether he is dead is equally uncertain." Doubtless her husband discovered as did many of her friends that Mme. de La Fayette was a woman whose personality overshadowed everything around her.

56 12 Barbarin: when this work first appeared in serial form Tartarin was called "Barbarin." The name was changed when Daudet discovered that a family named Barbarin was living at Tarascon. See Introduction. The word tartarin means the sacred or Arabian baboon. 56 13 souffla: 'prompted. Souffler, 'to blow, 'to breathe, in theatrical parlance means 'to prompt. Le souffleur is 'the prompter.