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Pour se communiquer aliments ou breuvages, ces indélicats personnages employaient le système américain dit up and down, c'est-

93 19 viennent ensemble se ranger: 'come to draw up together, 'draw up together', cf. 55 8. aux flancs du: 'alongside. Note the plural flancs, cf.

"My father said to me again and again," Léon Daudet tells us, "I should like, after I have accomplished my task, to set myself up as a merchant of happiness. My reward would be in my success!" This longing, so entirely characteristic of the man, is manifest everywhere in his earlier work, only rarely in the great novels; unfortunately the great novels were his "task."

His next venture was the co-principalship of a private school at Nantes, but he soon resigned his position and became the editor of a paper at Brest. This he was soon compelled to give up for political reasons, and he then accepted a professorship of rhetoric in the same place, and afterwards in Mühlhausen.

Un jeune médecin JAFFIER. I'm thinking, Pierre how that damn'd starving quality, Call'd honesty, got footing in the world. PIERRE. Why, powerful villainy first set it up, For its own ease and safety. Honest men Are the soft easy cushions on which knaves Repose and fatten.

Sur le pont, on entendait des pas précipités et la voix du capitaine Ross qui hurlait comme un fou: Up stairs, topmen! haul down topsails... lash up! Make haste! La goélette courait au plus près en faisant des sauts de carpe, et, trop chargée de toile dans les hauts, gîtait sur bâbord, avec une bande terrible.

4 32 deuil: faire son deuil d'une chose = 'to go into mourning about a thing, 'to give it up for lost'.

"Le Petit Chose," his first long work, had been begun in 1866 during his stay in Provence; it was published in 1868. The first part, which is of great interest, is largely autobiographical and covers the childhood and youth of the writer up to his first years in Paris; the second part is a colorless romance of no particular merit.

Elle découvrit au pied du vase une carte sur laquelle Dick avait transcrit en vers: And you came, my love, so stealthily That I saw you not Till I felt that your arms were hot Round my neck, and my lips were wet With your lips; I had forget How sweet you were. And lo! the sun has set And the pale moon came up silently .

The Orange party wished the death of the de Witts and had stirred up the populace, which was kept from breaking into the prison only by state troops under the command of Tilly. Mort aux traîtres! cria la compagnie des bourgeois exaspérée. Bah! vous dites toujours la même chose, grommela l'officier, c'est fatigant!