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Est-ce l'instant de lutter quand les supports Et les piliers de notre planète semblent manquer; Et la Nature, avec un oeil voilé et morne, Attendre la fin de tout? The Task; the Time Piece, v. 53-65. Il était, on le voit, loin de l'idée moderne d'un progrès infini, sans cesse réalisé par le constant effort de l'Humanité qui subjugue la Nature et s'améliore elle-même.

[Footnote 473: Cowper. The Task; the Winter Walk at Noon. Lire les vers de 729

If only he had continued as he began, if only he had remained the poet of the "Lettres de mon moulin"; if only he had not been led astray by his "task," he might have brought to the world of readers that happiness which he brought to his few friends in the attic of Auteuil. We are told the story of the publication of "Tartarin de Tarascon" by Daudet himself in his "Trente Ans de Paris."

Mais, pendant que Cowper se débattait dans les entraves d'une théologie dure, des âmes plus libres et plus ouvertes arrivaient. Au moment la Task fut publiée, en 1785, Wordsworth avait quinze ans; Walter Scott, quatorze; Coleridge, treize; Southey, onze; Walter Savage Landor en avait dix. Cette génération reprit le mouvement de Cowper, l

"My father said to me again and again," Léon Daudet tells us, "I should like, after I have accomplished my task, to set myself up as a merchant of happiness. My reward would be in my success!" This longing, so entirely characteristic of the man, is manifest everywhere in his earlier work, only rarely in the great novels; unfortunately the great novels were his "task."

The Task. En même temps qu'ils se faisaient du Tout-Puissant une idée si terrible, ils représentaient l'Ennemi occupé sans cesse au milieu d'eux