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Rambles in Yucatan; by B. M. NORMAN. London, 1843. Wiley and Putnain. Incidents of travel in Yucatan; by John L. STEPHENS. London, 1843. Murray. 2 vol. in-8. Life in Mexico during a résidence of two years in that country, by madame CALDEOUX DE LA BAUCA. London, 1843 Chapman et Hall.

Holland had reestablished the stadtholderate under the leadership of William of Orange. The former chiefs of the republic, Jean and Corneille de Witt, unjustly accused of betraying their country to France, had been forced to resign and sentenced to perpetual banishment.

His love for Cécile, granddaughter of a gentle country doctor, is rapidly making a man of him, when his mother enters again into his life and the poor boy dies miserably in a hospital, killed by despair rather than by disease. This is perhaps the most powerful of Daudet's novels; it is certainly the most harrowing.

Il était très Pitt plutôt que Tory. Il représentait parfaitement the independent country gentleman. Il n'aimait pas beaucoup la noblesse, méprisait les gens

46 24 bastides, bastidons: Provençal bastido = 'country house, 'villa', Provençal bastidoun is the diminutive, = 'little villa, 'cottage. 47 6 parbleu! euphemistic for pardieu, transl. 'of course! 47 8 bourriquots: cf. 47 11 tout

Leur père, resté veuf de bonne heure, était un de ces gentilshommes de campagne (country gentlemen) qui réunissent dans leurs manoirs demi champêtres, demi seigneuriaux,

Le père avait repoussé, une année auparavant, les propositions d'un jeune étudiant d'Oxford, qui avait demandé Marie en mariage. C'était le fils d'un tory, et par conséquent un objet de haine pour le country gentleman, whig sans savoir pourquoi, et d'autant plus invincible dans ses décisions, une fois prises, que son intelligence était plus courte et plus bornée. Marie, dont l'ame ardente avait cru entrevoir le bonheur dans cette union, avait ressenti un profond chagrin en voyant son espoir détruit. On conseilla au père, qui voyait dépérir sa fille, maintenant unique, de sacrifier enfin sa vieille haine de whig

The rural and domestic Life of Germany with characteristic sketches of its cities and scenery, collected in a general tour, and during a residence in the country in the years 1840, 1841 and 1842. La vie rurale et privée de l'Allemagne, suivie d'esquisses caractéristiques de ses villes et de ses paysages, etc., par WILLIAM HOWITT; in-8.

DUC DE FERRARE. Alphonso II. of Este, Duke of Ferrara, was the son of Hercules of Ferrara and grandson of Alphonso I. He was a cousin of Henry II. and served in all the military expeditions of this monarch. He was a great favorite at Court and made a great display both in his own country and in Italy, whither he accompanied the French King. His brother was the famous Cardinal d'Este.

The passing of the Ordinance you propose for the introduction of the Habeas Corpus Act, or some other mode for personal security, I believe will be very proper; but I am satisfied in my own mind that any further relaxation from the powers of government in the present state of the Province, would be extremely detrimental to its true interests, and that these propositions have been brought forward by designing men, whose attachment to the country appears to me very doubtfull